There is a low-key event at Birmingham Sailing Club this weekend (May 16 and 17, We have 5 confirmed F16s and 1 I20 at a mostly keelboat and dinghy regatta. Hopefully, we can turn some heads.
Racing does not start until 1:00 PM Saturday - plenty of time for the FL panhandle guys to make it to Bham; even if they left Sat AM.
Cab / Steve Miller - what say you?
We are keeping it small, so as not to overshadow that little race that is headed up the Atlantic Ocean...
Re: BSC Ironman
[Re: tshan]
#178501 05/18/0904:56 AM05/18/0904:56 AM
There was not a lot of wind and they had to keep the races short due to the way the wind was blowing on the lake and other race courses. Also, the threat of severe storms during race 3, 4 and 5 made the race committee try to get in as many races aas possible.
Overall the boats seem fairly equal in these conditions. 3 F16 skippers took line honors, versus the sole F17 skipper. The F17 corrected out first in the first 3 races and second in the last two races. The F17 skipper was fresh off winning one race at the A Class NAs, he finished 21st overall.
Re: BSC Ironman
[Re: tshan]
#179038 05/20/0911:53 AM05/20/0911:53 AM
[quote] The F17 skipper was fresh off winning one race at the A Class NAs, he finished 21st overall. {/quote]
Sandwhiched between Ian Lindal (20th) and Tracy Oliver (26th); so he is no douche. Neither is Oley by the way, so we got a reasonable match in sailor skill here.
If we do a virtual head-to-head between the two then we have :
2 1 1 2 2 2 Jim L (NF17) tot : 10 1 2 2 1 1 1 Oley (F16) tot : 8
Looks like a pretty even match on elasped time. And that is what I wanted to check. As background information, the NF17 may finish 70 seconds later for each 20 minutes of racing to correct out over an F16 under Portsmouth.
Ohh before I forget , was Oley 1-up ro 2-up ?
Thank Tom !
Last edited by Wouter; 05/20/0912:01 PM.
Wouter Hijink Formula 16 NED 243 (one-off; homebuild) The Netherlands
Caveat: the winds were light and spotty in races 1 and 2 - maybe not the best to draw complete conclusions.
In my previous post, the F16 line item is an aggregate line of the first F16 to finish. I was first F16 across in race 1. Oley in races 2, 3 and 4. Jody was first across in race 5. I was 2-up with a 70 pound kid as crew, Oley was one up and Jody was one up.
The F17 finishes on elapsed time were: 3, 1, 3, 3 , 4 - but corrected out to 1, 1, 1, 2, 2.
I could not figure out a way to get the complete results in a format compatabile with this forum. I emailed them to you for the whole story. Post them if you can figure it out.
I could not figure out a way to get the complete results in a format compatabile with this forum. ... Post them if you can figure it out.
Note that the ordering I chose is on ELAPSED time and that includes the N20.
And I underscore that the measurement based rating system rate the NF17 2% slower then the F16 and not 6% as under USPN. Or respectively rather 64.2 then 66.7 (with F16's at 63).
All in good fun of course. Jim sailed a respectible race and ended up at 2nd place on pure elasped results which is not bad at all. Actually, it looks like it was pretty tight racing on the points. Tom was in the mix for 2nd to 4 place till he started scoring 2 DNS's.
here goes,
Last edited by Wouter; 05/20/0902:55 PM.
Wouter Hijink Formula 16 NED 243 (one-off; homebuild) The Netherlands
So there is nothing wrong with the post of the GIF picture I attached. It is a windown Vista or whatever problem because it automatically reduces the size to the attachment.
By the way right clicking the image and selecting "save picture as" and then reopening it in a picture browser will also work.
Wouter Hijink Formula 16 NED 243 (one-off; homebuild) The Netherlands
Re: BSC Ironman
[Re: Wouter]
#179135 05/21/0905:09 AM05/21/0905:09 AM
Just my opinion, but there was not enough wind on Saturday to conclusively digest or preserve any data. . . . For goodness sake, some of you guys sat for twenty minutes just 20 feet from the finish line. . . Still love the boat.