Thanks dude, I appreciate the compliment. I will post a link once I get the pictures done. There is alot of work on my end. I have the start sequence and the finish sequence which is owesome. I will post the awards and "THE STUFF", and everything else once I get home. I'm traveling now.
Philip USA #1006
Re: Alter Cup Updates from water
[Re: P.M.]
#194338 10/23/0912:23 PM10/23/0912:23 PM
Chris: its not too difficult to imagine. My spin halyard comes down to my front crossbeam to a small turning block on the front of the beam. Then behind the turning block are two cleats almost back to back.
is "slipping" common or even possible without some impact?
Was the boat whose spreader slipped the same boat that had to be laid over on its side to fix the spin block? Could the spreader have been displace during that tip-over?
Good questions. We talked about this at length last night and this morning. Both Easton and JC boats were gone over carefully and in detail before leaving the beach for the last race. Greg feels very confident that it was square when the boat was stood up, but you never know. Two theories 1) When they righted the boat on the beach the person walking the mast up walked it up along the diamond wires as apposed to the side stay, and might have bumped it up. 2)the head of the spin in the spin set could have got caught on the spreader and been forced up when raising the halyard. When the boats left the beach they were all on the same tack and downwind, making it unlikely that Tripp yanked it up with the halyard, as the picture showed it was already that way. So it was likely yank up in a previous race with a different team on the boat, or done on the beach. I don't think it is likely that it got moved on the beach as the diamonds were set on 33, but who knows.
Philip USA #1006
Re: Alter Cup Updates from water
[Re: P.M.]
#194343 10/23/0901:40 PM10/23/0901:40 PM
The photo looks like it was boat #6 that broke the mast. I'm pretty sure it was boat #8 that was flipped to fix the spin halyard block. It was the race that Ding probably got redress for on Wednesday. Can you check if it was #8 or #6?
chris, the double cleats are the small harken's to match the line size of the halyard. the fair lead for the double is a harken 16 mm air block sewn to the tramp a foot or two back. This allows you to hoist in any direction. You should position the 16 mm block so that you can pull the halyard through the jaws and it's always cleated. to release you pull the halyard between the 16 mm and the cleats while pulling on the retrieval line.
Re: Alter Cup Updates from water
[Re: David Parker]
#194359 10/23/0903:50 PM10/23/0903:50 PM
The photo looks like it was boat #6 that broke the mast. I'm pretty sure it was boat #8 that was flipped to fix the spin halyard block. It was the race that Ding probably got redress for on Wednesday. Can you check if it was #8 or #6?
Boat #6 David
We had more than one of the sheave issues, and boats were regularly being turned over for various reasons.
Here is what I have found so far in the forensics of the pictures. I have many pictures of the spreader square on the end of day 3.
Day 4 the team on boat #6 in the previous race was Jake. I have a picture of the spreader in the compromised position. There was another race before (A fleet) that I have nothing on yet, so the spreader was raced in the compromised position for at least 2 races. Remember in all the hoists the spin was to port.
Tad, Is there a way I can attach the picture larger than 100K. Send me some magic . . .
Philip USA #1006
Re: Alter Cup Updates from water
[Re: P.M.]
#194360 10/23/0903:53 PM10/23/0903:53 PM
In my opinion the simple steel Harken small blocks are best in this use.
these work great with a line from luff track through the center of the block to the other side and a pigtail from the tang.
Ask Jake about that little block on the spinny halyard.
Before Tybee we looked over the boats pretty well and JC had one of those on the "General Lee" (a.k.a. Team Seacats Orange) the strap was torn through about 2/3 or 3/4 of the way. Replaced it and all is well but they need to be inspected regularly.
The shock on Jake's face was priceless, who knows how many times that boat raced with the block compromised, I know tradewinds and some others. Probably some races when JC had it as well.
Always borrow money from a pessimist. He won't expect it back.
Humphries was sailing in the Silver Fleet yesterday and was leading the fleet in the race when his mainsheet broke about 100 yards from the finish. They fashioned a repair on the water and finished in 4th place. They filed for redress and the committee gave them a finish averaging their previous results.
Well the competitors didn't quite like that determination so they forced the committee to reopen the redress and they instead awarded Humphries the 1st place finish for that race as they rightfully should have (according to the competitors involved).
So they'll be joining the Gold fleet next time they race.
Just a clarification, no one "forced" anything, we reconsidered our decision and decided to make the change.
Kevin Rejda Rock Hill, SC
Re: Alter Cup Updates from water
[Re: P.M.]
#194394 10/24/0908:18 AM10/24/0908:18 AM