yeah, I saw that. and while personal attacks on the leader of a country seems a bit childish, it is a First Amndment right.
Thankfully, it's also my right to ignore any and all comments posted by anyone (except the asian escort guy...)
Grow the f*ck up people. Its a completely fair statement. Barry is just another black man living in Gov't housing. If Romney is elected would anybody get wound up if it someone said just another white boy living in Gov't housing? No, they wouldn't. Now, if it said Romney, just another cracker living in Gov't housing would they get wound up? Nope. It'd be dismissed rather quickly.
Don't worry Pete, Cap't Obama will be at the helm for another four years. Fortunately for him, this country is made up mostly of racist's who are in denial, and are constantly told, and under societal pressure that their views on race are wrong. You may disapprove, you may not like it, but there is no such thing as wrong. Furthermore, its going to be either Obama or Romney, whats the difference? One's a commie, the others a god damn socialist, and they're both worthless liars not worthy of the effort of putting them on a pike.
God damn it, I hate political correctness.
Sorry for the hijack. I just hate this guise of intolerance guised as tolerance bullsh*t. Its okay for you to hate someone because they don't like, or flat out hate another, but there's nothing wrong with the hater hating the other one.
I just hate this guise of intolerance guised as tolerance bullsh*t. Its okay for you to hate someone because they don't like, or flat out hate another, but there's nothing wrong with the hater hating the other one.
In one case it can be inferred that the democratically elected president is hated simply because he is black. In the other case, a thinking person may dislike the person that appears to be proudly associating himself with race-based hatred specifically because that kind of thinking and actions based on that thinking (prominent 100 years ago) are ignorant and detrimental to everyone involved.
The two are not alike. Sometimes political correctness is simply correct. Condemming racism, not defending it, is the proper thing to do.
This site may soon find itself limited to like-minded Southern white boys telling Captain Noah jokes to themselves. Carry on, if that is what you want.
Last edited by lonestarcat; 06/25/1202:22 PM. Reason: spelling correction
"This site may soon find itself limited to like-minded Southern white boys telling Captain Noah jokes to themselves. Carry on, if that is what you want."
Unfortunately I've come to believe you are quite correct and that is the inevitable outcome.
fwiw, I'm unconvinced it's okay to hate anyone or anything except in the most extreme cases.
This site may soon find itself limited to like-minded Southern white boys telling Captain Noah jokes to themselves. Carry on, if that is what you want.
So when did the president become Black? I thought he was half black and half white, isn't that tan, mocha, or mulatto? He should only get half of the guilt ridden race vote if that's the case. Douchebags.
"I said, now, I said ,pay attention boy!"
The cure for anything is salt water - sweat, tears, or the sea Isak Dinesen If a man is to be obsessed by something.... I suppose a boat is as good as anything... perhaps a bit better than most. E. B. White
You better bring somebody else in those boots , cuz you ain't got the stones.
"I said, now, I said ,pay attention boy!"
The cure for anything is salt water - sweat, tears, or the sea Isak Dinesen If a man is to be obsessed by something.... I suppose a boat is as good as anything... perhaps a bit better than most. E. B. White
I just hate this guise of intolerance guised as tolerance bullsh*t. Its okay for you to hate someone because they don't like, or flat out hate another, but there's nothing wrong with the hater hating the other one.
In one case it can be inferred that the democratically elected president is hated simply because he is black. In the other case, a thinking person may dislike the person that appears to be proudly associating himself with race-based hatred specifically because that kind of thinking and actions based on that thinking (prominent 100 years ago) are ignorant and detrimental to everyone involved.
The two are not alike. Sometimes political correctness is simply correct. Condemming racism, not defending it, is the proper thing to do.
This site may soon find itself limited to like-minded Southern white boys telling Captain Noah jokes to themselves. Carry on, if that is what you want.
So the Rev. Jeremiah Wrights racism is OK because it comes from a black man? Not exactly an equal playing field. Here's a little tune about being stereotyped.
And before you start in on the Nazi skinhead thing do a little research on Ian McKay and Minor threat.
"I said, now, I said ,pay attention boy!"
The cure for anything is salt water - sweat, tears, or the sea Isak Dinesen If a man is to be obsessed by something.... I suppose a boat is as good as anything... perhaps a bit better than most. E. B. White
You know so long as (the late)Lee Atwater, Karl Rove, Roger Ailes, Grover Norquist, and Rupert Murdoch have convinced you that Obama is not for you, their work is done. All the rest of the propaganda is just a means to that end. You don't have to swallow the entire pitcher of Kool Aid. I have trouble understanding how Jeremiah Wright is a threat to us. The Koch brothers want their politicians to protect their wealth, that I can understand. Maybe they sail beach cats too. But somehow I suspect what is good for the superwealthy is not actually good for the rest of us. Trumped up concern about black on white racism, gun control, or where Obama was born, is just a useful tool for them.
I apologize for not watching the suggested video or doing the suggested research. I endeavor to avoid being a tool for the goals of Karl Rove, et al.
But somehow I suspect what is good for the superwealthy is not actually good for the rest of us.
Why's that Lonestarcat? It's those evil super wealthy that do all the innovative things, its those nasty super wealthy that supply the rest of us jobs, its those horrid super wealthy that drive the economy.
But somehow I suspect what is good for the superwealthy is not actually good for the rest of us.
Why's that Lonestarcat? It's those evil super wealthy that do all the innovative things, its those nasty super wealthy that supply the rest of us jobs, its those horrid super wealthy that drive the economy.
That's just not true. Consider Gates and Jobs, neither was wealthy when they started out. Iirc, IBM came to Gates for help with their pc and they still couldn't build a competitve system.
How many Uber clients do you build cabinets for?
Last edited by pgp; 06/26/1207:52 AM.
Pete Pollard Blade 702
'When you have a lot of things to do, it's best to get your nap out of the way first.
Re: Spam abuse
[Re: P.M.]
#250038 06/26/1208:15 AM06/26/1208:15 AM
Oh dear, another delusional liberal who thinks that the Koch brothers are born from the bounty of the devil's loins, however Soros and his tentacles consist of the dust of Jesus' remains.
You know so long as Soros, AFL-CIO, David Brock, NYT editorial board, and the children of ACORN have convinced you that Obama is for you, their work is done.