Yes that is the stuff. Like Rick I've done lots of boat bottoms with the stuff, as well as the rudders and boards on my Tiger. Always been very happy with the result. Definitely spray it on, its not worth it to roll it. Apply lots of thin coats within the re-coat timeframe. Then as Rick says wet sand it AS SOON as you can. It gets hard as a rock after full cure and if you wait too long it will take FOREVER to sand it down to a smooth finish. Try using an air powered jitterbug sander for the first couple of wet sanding runs with 220-400 grit, that will save you a lot of time hand sanding when you move to 600 and up.
For repairs just prep it and spray as you would gelcoat, then wet sand and polish.
Sam99 get in touch with Bobby Muller at Muller Marine in Annapolis if you want someone to do it for you. You won't be disappointed. Tell him I sent you