Great Event, and a real rush to be on the water with the AC cats. Following is report from Event Nation Chair, Laura Sullivan.
Dear Folks,
Some great action shots from the US Multihull Championship for the Alter Trophy- taken by our home town team of - Jan and Skip Anderson.
We had some great help mark set and rescue support from our own Caleb Tarleton, Tim Dorwin, Kipp Silver, Jerry Valeske. See link below. Peter Nelson was sail 113845, and J Rosenbach and Valerie Pioszak were sail number 113599. Peter put on a good show for the folks on Day 3 on the America's Cup course. He also has a great photo of him doing a port / starboard thing with an AC 72!
Subject: Photos of the 2013 US Multihull Championship in Sausalito
Greetings, everyone! Here is the link to some of Jan’s photos from this year’s US Multihull Championship in Sausalito. For US SAILING: Thanks for letting us come out and play. Please ensure that each of the teams that participated have an opportunity to view this link of the fleet in action.
For SAUSALITO: What a venue! Kudos for your support, your hospitality, your waterfront facilities, your yacht club, and your commitment to this event.
All the best!
Jan / Shooter and Skip / Boat Boy