Guys, it's worth your time to watch race 10 on
Virtual Eye Select "HISTORICAL" on bottom right of page.
Select "AC34 FINALS" on bottom right of page.
Select Race 10. On the buttons on the left turn ON:
Advantage Distance ON
Yacht Speed Arrows ON
Yacht Trail ON
Wind Arrows ON (it will show the slight shift)
Information Panel ON (it will show race timer)
100 Meter Ladder Grid ON
Fascinating to watch this race on Virtual Eye. During a race, I always watch on multiple screens:
1) Virtual Eye
2) NBC Live Broadcast
3) YouTube LiveLine.
At the bottom of the page you can control Play, Forward, Reverse, Fast Forward, Fast Reverse or select a leg. You can jump to the beginning of leg 3 be selecting the Red Circle 2.
This is where it gets good around the 10:45 minute time stamp. Watch Oracle's VMG take off and they close the gap when they start foiling. Also, great to watch the downwind crossing on the next leg.
Unfortunately, when NBC goes to commercial they miss so much of the race. Virtual Eye and the LiveLine add so much more and covers everything the commercial breaks miss. For Race 10 Virtual Eye ROCKS!