The World Championships for the F-16 will be held in the United States for the first time in 2014 at Sail Newport in Rhode Island. Racing days will be June 23 - 29, with measurement and practice the two days prior. Event Chairman is Richard Feeny. He can be reached at richard(dot)feeny(at)gmail(dot)com
NOR, accommodations info, event website and other details are forthcoming. Mark your calendars!
Re: 2014 F-16 World Championships in USA
[Re: US5352]
#266711 11/05/1302:25 PM11/05/1302:25 PM
There will not be a US Championships separate from the Worlds in 2014.
Both the International Class President,Thomas Koenig, and the International Class Secretary, Antoine Meunier, will be in attendance. I will be relying on them to provide the latest class rules. Once the event website is up, I envision that they will also be posted there. Please advise if there is something in particular that you are unclear or concerned about Thx.
Re: 2014 F-16 World Championships in USA
[Re: US5352]
#266720 11/05/1307:28 PM11/05/1307:28 PM
There will not be a US Championships separate from the Worlds in 2014.
Both the International Class President,Thomas Koenig, and the International Class Secretary, Antoine Meunier, will be in attendance. I will be relying on them to provide the latest class rules. Once the event website is up, I envision that they will also be posted there. Please advise if there is something in particular that you are unclear or concerned about Thx.
A current rule set would be helpful, I don't think there is one available online.
Pete Pollard Blade 702
'When you have a lot of things to do, it's best to get your nap out of the way first.
Re: 2014 F-16 World Championships in USA
[Re: US5352]
#266722 11/05/1309:08 PM11/05/1309:08 PM
In. I've never been to Rhode Island. Any locals have anything strange the rest of us should know about the area? Like ferrets are illegal or jaywalking is a felony?
I'm boatless.
Re: 2014 F-16 World Championships in USA
[Re: Karl_Brogger]
#266741 11/06/1311:54 AM11/06/1311:54 AM
In. I've never been to Rhode Island. Any locals have anything strange the rest of us should know about the area? Like ferrets are illegal or jaywalking is a felony?
Heck, that's just around the corner from you
USA 777
Re: 2014 F-16 World Championships in USA
[Re: Karl_Brogger]
#266742 11/06/1312:47 PM11/06/1312:47 PM
In. I've never been to Rhode Island. Any locals have anything strange the rest of us should know about the area? Like ferrets are illegal or jaywalking is a felony?
Depends on where you keep the ferret...
Pete Pollard Blade 702
'When you have a lot of things to do, it's best to get your nap out of the way first.
Re: 2014 F-16 World Championships in USA
[Re: Karl_Brogger]
#266745 11/06/1303:03 PM11/06/1303:03 PM
In. I've never been to Rhode Island. Any locals have anything strange the rest of us should know about the area? Like ferrets are illegal or jaywalking is a felony?
Here you go, take a look around at Sail Newport, Newport, RI:
In. I've never been to Rhode Island. Any locals have anything strange the rest of us should know about the area? Like ferrets are illegal or jaywalking is a felony?
You're getting remarkably tech savvy!
Here you go, take a look around at Sail Newport, Newport, RI:
Lets see, it's Newport, middle of the summer. What's that mean? All the rich yachties and their trophy wives are in-town, plus a few coeds. Oh I forgot you just got married. Moving along...
Parking downtown is a nightmare. Obey the speed limit. Find housing now, it's limited and expensive.
Should be a great event though, really fun place and on my top 5 favorites of all time. Considering attending ourselves
Scorpion F18
Re: 2014 F-16 World Championships in USA
[Re: US5352]
#266755 11/07/1307:20 AM11/07/1307:20 AM
[quote=Karl_Brogger]In. I've never been to Rhode Island. Any locals have anything strange the rest of us should know about the area? Like ferrets are illegal or jaywalking is a felony?
You're getting remarkably tech savvy!
Terry, I reached the end of the Internet, then I had to go back and start over!
Blade F16 #777
Re: 2014 F-16 World Championships in USA
[Re: US5352]
#266759 11/07/1307:58 AM11/07/1307:58 AM
Newport is probably my favorite place to sail in the country. Should get a nice southerly seabreeze each day, and Sail Newport will be fantastic hosts. As Sam said, start looking for housing early as Newport gets busy in the summer. One of the guys in our fleet has a beach house nearby which might be available to rent- I can check with him.
Definitely considering chartering a boat for this one- although the dates are really close to the F18 worlds which is a bummer.
USF18 Eastern Area Rep Nacra Infusion USA 753
Re: 2014 F-16 World Championships in USA
[Re: US5352]
#267082 11/19/1310:23 AM11/19/1310:23 AM
In. I've never been to Rhode Island. Any locals have anything strange the rest of us should know about the area?
Little known fact outside of Rhode Island:
"Victory Day" is a state holiday in Rhode Island and occurs on the second Monday in August each year. Victory Day, also known as VJ Day, marks the anniversary of the Allies’ victory over Japan during World War II. Many businesses are closed as are all State offices.
Rhode Island is the only state to commemorate VJ day as an official state holiday.
Nothing about ferrets.
Re: 2014 F-16 World Championships in USA
[Re: US5352]
#267797 12/17/1303:55 PM12/17/1303:55 PM
I was just in Singapore a couple days ago, do you know where they are based? I heard there is a good sailing club out by the airport, but we layover downtown, a good 30-45 minutes from the airport.
Blade F16 #777
Re: 2014 F-16 World Championships in USA
[Re: US5352]
#267812 12/18/1308:01 AM12/18/1308:01 AM
Changi sailing club is where most of the cats are. They have 4 Carbon 20s, a few Nacra 20s, and a bunch of vipers. Pro Sail Asia are the local dealers, awesome, awesome people! I've sailed a good amount there, heading back Jan 1 for 6 weeks.
USF18 Eastern Area Rep Nacra Infusion USA 753
Re: 2014 F-16 World Championships in USA
[Re: US5352]
#267841 12/18/1308:01 PM12/18/1308:01 PM
Jeff, I've got another Singapore trip in Jan. I should arrive the night of Jan. 28 about 2am, we layover 28 hours (Jan 29)at the Swissotel at Merchant Court.
I'll meet you at the "Four floors of whores" (Orchid Towers) for a beer or three if you are in town.
Blade F16 #777
Re: 2014 F-16 World Championships in USA
[Re: US5352]
#268183 12/31/1308:43 AM12/31/1308:43 AM
I've got a 2013 Viper available that's already in Newport for sale. Only used one week. It can be delivered to the event or even set up there earlier on in the season if anyone wants to fly in and practice before the event. Send me an email if interested.
Re: 2014 F-16 World Championships in USA
[Re: wildtsail7]
#268353 01/08/1402:33 PM01/08/1402:33 PM
Google map's suggested route takes one through the Bronx.
Anyone ever done that?
Pulling a small boat across the George Washington bridge through what looks like a war zone sounds like too much fun.
Pulling a trailer through Ny and NJ will cost you a small fortune in tolls. And to add insult to injury, you are paying to traverse some of the worst roads in the country. I would go a long way to avoid that area.
Re: 2014 F-16 World Championships in USA
[Re: US5352]
#270199 03/13/1405:46 PM03/13/1405:46 PM
Hi, below is an event update that was sent out via the class email list a couple of days ago. If you are not on that list and would like to be, just drop me a line at This info is also available on the event website via the "News" link.
And if you're planning to come, don't dilly-dally - get registered! Payment is not due till May 15, but it helps with sponsors to see the numbers ticking over.
----- Charter Boat Auction Once again, Red Gear Racing has stepped up in a big way to the USF-16 Class. They have offered up a brand new Viper F16 for the event that will be auctioned off to the highest bidder with 100% of the proceeds going to the class. Wow, that’s incredible! Check it out the auction here. Be sure to thank Jill Nickerson and Robbie Daniel when you see them at the event. Insurance will be provided, though a refundable damage deposit is required to cover deductible. The boat will be available several days prior to the event for training in Newport.
Free Starting Clinic Robbie Daniel of Red Gear Racing will also be leading a free starting clinic on June 22 for all registrants of the event. Find out how to put yourself in position to get off the line fast!
Free Chalk Talk Also on June 21 or 22, Robbie Daniel will be conducting a free chalk talk for all registrants to discuss local conditions, racing strategy, tuning tips and more. Come and learn from the best! It’s free, how can you beat that?!
Racing Clinic Also available from Robbie Daniel and Red Gear Racing is a Racing Clinic of up to four days. If you want to finish in the hardware, there’s nothing more valuable than great coaching. Entries are limited so sign up early. Packages including housing and food are available. For details and pricing email [email protected].
Flat Fee Charter Boats Viper, Falcon and Nacra F16s will all be available from their respective manufacturers/dealers. Contact information is listed in the NOR that is posted on the event website. The organizing committee has received a number of questions regarding insurance. Please note that the event organizers cannot get involved in insurance agreements between the suppliers and users. We have been notified by Red Gear Racing and Nacra North America that insurance will be provided as part of their charter packages. As of press time, Falcon Marine was working on their offering. We encourage interested parties to contact the suppliers directly.
Lodging Newport, Rhode Island is a very popular destination the fourth week of June. That being the case, lodging close by can hard to come by and expensive. Sailors are encouraged to make arrangements now. The organizing committee is aware of several groups who have pooled their resources together to rent private residences. Given the demand for rooms at this time, group rates are unavailable. If want to minimize lodging costs and avoid longer drives to/from the Sail Newport venue, get on it NOW. (There is another 100+ boat event with multiple crew that will be going on the same week). Camping is available at Fort Getty, with RV parking and hookups, in nearby Jamestown, RI (5 miles).
Measurement We’re going to do our best to make sure that all boats are in compliance with class requirements. The Committee may choose to measure any boat at any time. It will be the responsibility of each competitor to assure that their boat is in compliance. If discrepancies are found, the Committee may disqualify a competitor. However, protests between competitors will not be heard regarding non-compliance issues.
More news and details will be coming in the weeks and months ahead.
Re: 2014 F-16 World Championships in USA
[Re: US5352]
#270400 03/19/1402:25 PM03/19/1402:25 PM
I took my F18 through the Bronx last year. Not a problem. We do A LOT of real-time navigation when traversing that section of highway; I would not want to do it solo. We literally have 2 iphones and an ipad running in real time on two separate cell networks to avoid the traffic and have NEVER made the trip from Annapolis to Newport in under 10 hours. Getting through NY is the easy part. I-95 through CT is officially the worst road in the country; it was dead stopped at 1am last year. Parking lot every time we've gone through; remember, June is beach season for New Yorkers etc. and the close beaches are in NY, NJ, RI and MA. The mountain way around the entire NY corridor is recommended if you are traveling on a weekend.
Good luck with housing in Newport. Newport-Bermuda starts that same weekend and the week before is fully booked I'm sure. I can recommend staying on the Jamestown side and driving in. Worst case, Providence is a 45 minute drive to sail newport through downtown newport weekend traffic. Not terrible and liable to be far far cheaper.
Scorpion F18
Re: 2014 F-16 World Championships in USA
[Re: US5352]
#270413 03/19/1411:03 PM03/19/1411:03 PM
Sam you are way over dramatizing this. I've never heard of anyone going through the mountain route (which I assume you mean mass pike) to Newport. I've done this drive a lot and it is simple if you plan correctly. Then again even driving to the NJ shore last 4th of July weekend we had no problems at all and made it from Newport through NYC in 3 hours both ways. It's a 7 hour drive from Newport to Annapolis. Sam both times you did it was extreme traffic (flooding highways are pretty extreme and would cause traffic anywhere). Yes you may want to check traffic ahead of time, but 2 phones and an ipad... are you kidding me?! Sam, I am going to give you a hard time for that one for a while. I've gotten the drive down and honestly usually take the GW especially now that improvements have been made to the roads. But best bet for out of towners is to get to 287 to the Tapenzee Bridge. After that, if you are going through at a reasonable time, you can take 95. If you're concerned about traffic on the Connecticut Turnpike hop onto 684 to 84 to route 9 to 95. Do not drive on any parkways in CT or NY (NJ is okay) with trailers (most temping would be route 15 the merritt parkway). If you don't have a trailer take the Merritt instead of the 684 route no matter what over 95. Tolls in NJ and the bridges aren't cheap... probably $30-$35 for all of NJ and the bridge each way. Overall, I definitely wouldn't let the drive phase you. It can be a little brutal but it doesn't hold a torch to LA or San Fran traffic.
As far as lodging goes, yes Newport will be expensive. Warwick (West of Providence) and Fall River (east of Providence) and Middletown (north of Newport) will be the cheaper if you book soon, if you wait they won't be much cheaper.
Re: 2014 F-16 World Championships in USA
[Re: US5352]
#270424 03/20/1406:19 AM03/20/1406:19 AM
No but I've been there as we hosted a Club 420 North Americans there. But keep in mind the toll to go over the Newport Bridge each way is a few bucks.
On Aquidneck Island (Island newport is on), you may want to check out the following. But I really know nothing about them other than they are there. Both are probably 10-15 minutes from Sail Newport and an easier drive than dirving from Jameston.
Melville Ponds Campground 401-682-2424 Off Rt. 114 in Portsmouth. 133 sites, fishing, playground, safari field, beach access.
Middletown Campground 401-846-6273 Second Beach, Middletown. 44 trailer sites, immediate access to Second Beach.
Re: 2014 F-16 World Championships in USA
[Re: US5352]
#270436 03/20/1410:34 AM03/20/1410:34 AM
Todd, when is the last time you took your boat down to the Chesapeake to come race and enjoyed the pleasant drive?
Please don't let this little sh$t fight prevent you from racing F-16 Worlds, or the drive. Todd is right, if you plan accordingly you will be fine on the drive and enjoy a pleasant time in Newport. It really is one of my favorite places in the world during the summer months, mild weather, great sea breeze, plenty of eye candy, ocean sailing.
Just make sure to book lodging now and remember to call your friends that sail in the NE for recommendations (not me!). Oh, and most importantly have fun!
Last edited by samc99us; 03/20/1411:59 AM.
Scorpion F18
Re: 2014 F-16 World Championships in USA
[Re: US5352]
#270501 03/22/1406:16 PM03/22/1406:16 PM
I will be coming from Allentown, PA. I am thinking of coming up threw the Delaware Watergap and up to Danbury,CT and then heading across to New Haven and then up. No boat trailor. Any thoughts on the route or a better one? Will be coming on Sat AM. Thanks
Blade F16 "Too Sharp to Touch"
Re: 2014 F-16 World Championships in USA
[Re: US5352]
#270908 03/31/1411:09 AM03/31/1411:09 AM
On Saturday morning you should have no problem going over the Tapenzee to the Merrit Parkway (if you don't have a trailer) to New Haven. I wouldn't bother going up through Danbury. Honestly 95 would probably be ok on Saturday morning but not worth it if you don't have a trailer.
Re: 2014 F-16 World Championships in USA
[Re: US5352]
#270946 04/01/1406:19 AM04/01/1406:19 AM
I currently have a boat for sale before or just after the event depending on interest. It is the 2012 AHPC (Goodall Design) Viper that I sailed last year at the Nationals in Racine with the stylish blue decking, mainsail with blue luff, and matching blue spin. Possible delivery of the boat depending on location. This boat would be great for the worlds as several upgrade options are available and it is race ready, complete with tuning marks, settings, advanced adjustable trapeze setup, and other small tweaks. Beams have also been re-seated so it is a very stiff platform. This is a fast boat and has proven itself before! 1st in the 2013 F16 Nationals, 1st in 2013 US Youth Champ., 1st in 2012 Buzzelli Multihull Champ.
Contact me if you are interested in this offer: Ravi Parent [email protected] Cell: (941)465-9862
"Nothing that is worth knowing can be taught." ~Oscar Wilde
Re: 2014 F-16 World Championships in USA
[Re: US5352]
#270963 04/01/1408:23 AM04/01/1408:23 AM
The route over the TZ bridge is 287. the merritt pky is #15. As you go over the bridge you'll get a nice view of all the cranes they have set up for the construction of the new bridge.
G Gove
Blade #728
Long Island, New Yawk
Re: 2014 F-16 World Championships in USA
[Re: US5352]
#271098 04/03/1401:42 PM04/03/1401:42 PM
I singlehanded Nationals last year for the first time, and the one thing that become clear was when its rough and light, the extra mass helps keep the boat rolling in the slop. I'd be trucking along and just get parked from waves if I wasn't uber careful going to weather. The other thing is when the wind was up, I couldn't get enough speed up in the rough stuff to move the apparent wind around and I'd just get hammered by the gusts. Constantly burying the nose and capsizing.
Shattered my top ten dream that last day in Racine.
Not that there's anything I can do about it, just curious.
I'm boatless.
Re: 2014 F-16 World Championships in USA
[Re: Karl_Brogger]
#271118 04/03/1408:05 PM04/03/1408:05 PM
Most of the racing I've done in Newport (when the F18's let me play) has been north of the Pell Newport Bridge. Its pretty protected. The biggest waves I've encountered are from the stinkboaters. The NOR isn't specific about the location so they still could take us outside the harbor if they want to. There still is current to deal with.
Looking forward to getting some training in Newport in the coming month.
See picture attached.
Last edited by tzilinski; 04/03/1408:07 PM.
Re: 2014 F-16 World Championships in USA
[Re: US5352]
#271215 04/07/1401:56 PM04/07/1401:56 PM
Do any of you Yankees have any ideas on a good bus service from JFK up to Newport? I've seen Peter Pan, but that runs out of 45st. in NYC. I'm guessing there must be a bus/metro/subway from JFK into the city?
Blade F16 #777
Re: 2014 F-16 World Championships in USA
[Re: US5352]
#271318 04/11/1409:00 AM04/11/1409:00 AM
Why do we only have 23 boats registered right now? Are there any other regattas or scheduling conflicts at the same time? We should be having a very large turnout for this regatta since over 30 teams attended last year's worlds!
"Nothing that is worth knowing can be taught." ~Oscar Wilde
Re: 2014 F-16 World Championships in USA
[Re: US5352]
#271352 04/12/1407:08 PM04/12/1407:08 PM
Just drove back from Newport this weekend, smooth sailing from I-95 (CT) -> 87 -> 287 -> Garden State Parkway -> I-95/NJ Turnpike -> 195 -> 295 and then south across the Delaware memorial bridge. This is the most reasonable route with the tolls. If you can avoid NJ, they are doing construction on the NJ turnpike. Alternate route is the Garden State Parkway -> 195 -> 295.
My suggestion is to travel on a weekday, summer weekends I-95 in CT isn't pleasant, and unfortunately without a trailer can't jump on the Merrit Parkway.
Alternative is to fly from BWI to Providence for under $100 each way.
We were in the same situation as Jeff, no boat and charter price was too much to justify. The current party information is also a little bit weak (Hot Dogs?). We decided to do Newport to Bermuda on a big boat instead, though the F16 sailing will be more fun!
We have a club member on a Viper who needs crew or a driver, expenses paid. PM me if interested.
Last edited by samc99us; 04/14/1410:49 AM.
Scorpion F18
Re: 2014 F-16 World Championships in USA
[Re: samc99us]
#271469 04/15/1409:54 PM04/15/1409:54 PM
That's the kind of outside the box thinking this sport needs. Isn't that how it was done in the 80's, maybe that's why the numbers were so good. If memory serves Crocket was a decent H16 sailor before he got into offshore powerboat racing.
"Do or do not. There is no try." - Yoda "Excuses are the tools of the weak and incompetent" - Two sista's I overheard in the hall "You don't have to be a brain surgeon to be a complete idiot, but it helps"
Re: 2014 F-16 World Championships in USA
[Re: David Ingram]
#271493 04/16/1412:30 PM04/16/1412:30 PM
The St. Vitus Dance is a sailing yacht and home of James "Sonny" Crockett. Moored in Miami's luxurious Miamarina (now known as Bayside Marketplace), the sailboat rarely seemed to leave its berth, acting more as a floating apartment than a means of transport or recreation. Such an apparently wasteful means of living was very befitting of Crockett's wealthy, drug-dealing undercover personality, although the yacht also provided a convenient means of escaping the city to the relative safety of the open ocean if necessary.
The St. Vitus was portrayed by three different yachts during the course of the show's five seasons. In the pilot episode, Crockett lived on a Cabo Rico 38 sailboat, which changed to an Endeavour 40 once the show was picked up as a series. At the start of Season 2, the boat changed to a larger Endeavour 42, although some footage of the Endeavour 40 was still used in some episodes (likely stock footage filmed during Season 1). By Season 3, the Endeavour 42 was the only boat seen, and would remain so for the rest of the series. It was never stated on the show if these boats were supposed to be the same yacht, or whether they were supposed to be three different vessels each christened the St. Vitus Dance -- however, the use of both the 40 and the 42 during Season 2 implies the former.
Re: 2014 F-16 World Championships in USA
[Re: tzilinski]
#271533 04/17/1402:29 PM04/17/1402:29 PM
further down that page.... sweet. I think I still have that game.
NotesEdit Crockett's yacht appears as the "Marquis" sailboat in the video games Grand Theft Auto: Vice City and Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories, both of which were heavily inspired by Miami Vice and can be seen as homages to the show.
Re: 2014 F-16 World Championships in USA
[Re: David Ingram]
#271559 04/18/1401:38 PM04/18/1401:38 PM
That's the kind of outside the box thinking this sport needs. Isn't that how it was done in the 80's, maybe that's why the numbers were so good. If memory serves Crocket was a decent H16 sailor before he got into offshore powerboat racing.
+1. Newport-Bermuda Race will have 5+ days of Goslings sponsored parties w/ goslings girls.
Scorpion F18
Re: 2014 F-16 World Championships in USA
[Re: US5352]
#272375 05/14/1403:28 PM05/14/1403:28 PM
Just registered...Timbo, you may want to check with Daniel on your sail number as I'm pretty sure I've got 777 registered with the F16 organization. B!tches.
USA 777
Re: 2014 F-16 World Championships in USA
[Re: US5352]
#272386 05/15/1408:58 AM05/15/1408:58 AM
26 six boats currently registered. Four singlehanded. Anyone know how that stacks up against previous F16 World Championships? Turn out, and number of singlehanded boats?
I'm boatless.
Re: 2014 F-16 World Championships in USA
[Re: tback]
#272390 05/15/1404:27 PM05/15/1404:27 PM
Just registered...Timbo, you may want to check with Daniel on your sail number as I'm pretty sure I've got 777 registered with the F16 organization. B!tches.
Now, why would you do that?
Also, Andi and I will be sailing a chartered Falcon, I have no idea what the sail number will be, but I doubt it will be (my) 777
Blade F16 #777
Re: 2014 F-16 World Championships in USA
[Re: Karl_Brogger]
#272391 05/15/1404:29 PM05/15/1404:29 PM
18. PRIZES 18.1 Prizes will be awarded in the following categories: a) World Champion b) Youth World Champion (Helm and crew 20 years or younger) c) Mixed Gender World Champion d) Masters World Champion (Helm aged 50+) e) Single-handed World Champion
Re: 2014 F-16 World Championships in USA
[Re: US5352]
#272441 05/19/1407:36 AM05/19/1407:36 AM
We have a combined F18/F16 class for the Wickford Regatta coming up this weekend in Wickford, RI. Currently 17 boats registered, mostly 18s but at least a few 16s. Great event if anyone can make it.
How stupid is it to drive through New York on a Sunday? I'll be coming up from Tennessee. I was planning on driving way the hell out of the way, but thought I'd ask.
I'm boatless.
Re: 2014 F-16 World Championships in USA
[Re: US5352]
#273299 06/19/1403:31 PM06/19/1403:31 PM
Unless you're already on 95 I would always go Tapenzee instead of George Washington Bridge. After that on a Sunday it shouldn't be too bad. From TN you should be on 78 so in NJ split onto 287N and that'll take you over the Tapenzee. It's 8 miles further than the GW much nicer drive
Re: 2014 F-16 World Championships in USA
[Re: Karl_Brogger]
#273305 06/19/1407:14 PM06/19/1407:14 PM
How stupid is it to drive through New York on a Sunday? I'll be coming up from Tennessee. I was planning on driving way the hell out of the way, but thought I'd ask.
Why is a worldly man like you in TN?
USA 777
Re: 2014 F-16 World Championships in USA
[Re: US5352]
#273307 06/19/1407:28 PM06/19/1407:28 PM
My wife worked for MTV in Nashville for quite a while and one of her favorite co-workers is celebrating 25 years there, so there's a big party, and I'm driving an extra 400 miles
I'm boatless.
Re: 2014 F-16 World Championships in USA
[Re: Karl_Brogger]
#273312 06/19/1408:32 PM06/19/1408:32 PM
My wife worked for MTV in Nashville for quite a while and one of her favorite co-workers is celebrating 25 years there, so there's a big party, and I'm driving an extra 400 miles
400 Miles isnt too bad. Good luck next week!
Re: 2014 F-16 World Championships in USA
[Re: wildtsail7]
#273314 06/19/1408:54 PM06/19/1408:54 PM
Unless you're already on 95 I would always go Tapenzee instead of George Washington Bridge. After that on a Sunday it shouldn't be too bad. From TN you should be on 78 so in NJ split onto 287N and that'll take you over the Tapenzee. It's 8 miles further than the GW much nicer drive
Got any ideas on driving from JFK airport up to Newport? We should be coming into JFK about 2pm on Saturday, rental car and on the road by 3pm, I hope. 4-5 hours to Newport? Which bridge? T'n'z or GW? Thanks.
Blade F16 #777
Re: 2014 F-16 World Championships in USA
[Re: Timbo]
#273317 06/20/1405:27 AM06/20/1405:27 AM
Unless you're already on 95 I would always go Tapenzee instead of George Washington Bridge. After that on a Sunday it shouldn't be too bad. From TN you should be on 78 so in NJ split onto 287N and that'll take you over the Tapenzee. It's 8 miles further than the GW much nicer drive
Got any ideas on driving from JFK airport up to Newport? We should be coming into JFK about 2pm on Saturday, rental car and on the road by 3pm, I hope. 4-5 hours to Newport? Which bridge? T'n'z or GW? Thanks.
Google says Bronx Whitestone Bridge (I-678 thru the Bronx).
My wife worked for MTV in Nashville for quite a while and one of her favorite co-workers is celebrating 25 years there, so there's a big party, and I'm driving an extra 400 miles
Karl, I found you some music to listen to on your way into Nashville!
Watching movies while driving? Doing that while riding shotgun I hope and not while behind the wheel.
If you can't multi task in good conditions, you shouldn't be allowed behind the wheel. Plus, there is literally nothing to hit.
You've said some wacky things Karl but that has to be one of the most arrogant things I read from you. If you’re just pulling our chains then good one if you’re not hopefully it’s only you that is hurt or killed when your attitude catches up to you.
"Do or do not. There is no try." - Yoda "Excuses are the tools of the weak and incompetent" - Two sista's I overheard in the hall "You don't have to be a brain surgeon to be a complete idiot, but it helps"
Re: 2014 F-16 World Championships in USA
[Re: US5352]
#273413 06/23/1407:31 PM06/23/1407:31 PM
Redress given to Robert Brunger due to damage sustained in a collision with another boat.
Four more races today, quite shifty and challenging for all. Somewhat lighter breeze, with enough puffs and shifts to keep everyone on their toes.
Regarding all of the alphabet soup, paraphrasing the very wise class leadership, the first rule about Fight Club is...
Suffice it to say, challenging conditions have caused a number of breakdowns, both physically and mentally.
Two days in, two rescue swimmers needed to help right boats (one was a local Hobie 16 sailor, friend of mine). Lots of cool wipeouts, and some separated crews. A great job by all of the RC boats keeping up with the mayhem. Several competitors who were done yesterday came out in wetsuits to help on RC boats today.
There are two great coaches who are also invaluable this week: Jill Nickerson and her team from Red Gear Racing, and Jim Zellmer who is currently coaching in Sarasota, but has been a longtime racer in New England.
For the past two days, a rather large (moored) tanker has taken some options away regarding course length (and affecting number of laps). Jeff thinks sailing around this thing is fun, no one followed... It's scheduled to depart in about an hour from now, shouldn't be a problem on Thursday.
Forecast is a bit dicey (rain/lightning), we'll see how it shapes up in the morning. We've had one sailor in the group actually ask/beg us to go to five races per day yesterday and today to get ahead of schedule for the pending weather. She was the only competitor who felt that way...
Eight races completed. Seven more races in the schedule. They get another discard after one more race.
Apologies for not posting live updates from the water. We've had our hands full, and are fully committed to the quality of the races.
Re: 2014 F-16 World Championships in USA
[Re: Dazz]
#273486 06/26/1407:16 PM06/26/1407:16 PM
You guys who were in Newport for the Worlds, did you see that big Trimaran at the Boatyard? Turns out they were waiting for the right conditions to race to Lizzard for a record attemept. From today's Scuttlebutt:
Scuttlebutt is published each weekday with the support of its sponsors, providing a digest of major sailing news, commentary, opinions, features and dock talk…with a North American focus.
Today's sponsors: Samson Rope - Farr 40 Class Association
Spindrift 2: All dressed up but no wind to go
The maxi-trimaran Spindrift 2 left La Trinité-sur-Mer, France on May 26, arriving on June 3 in Newport, Rhode Island where the team has remained on standby to break the crewed 2880 nm North Atlantic record from New York to Lizard Point.
Led by co-skippers Dona Bertarelli and Yann Guichard, they seek to better the record of 03:15:25:48 set by their 40m (131.23-feet) trimaran in August 2009, known then as Banque Populaire 5. To be successful, their average speed must be in excess of 32.94 knots over the distance.
But now, after seven weeks on standby in Newport, there has still been no suitable weather window for which to launch their assault. As Guichard explains, these accomplished sailors have no choice but to accept the wait, unusual as it may be for an elite sportsman.
“Despite enduring the standby at home, as opposed to on the quayside, we are fully alert and mentally ready to drop everything and jump on a plane as soon as possible,” explains Yann, who sends a message to his teammates every day to keep them informed about the latest conditions.
“Dona and I are obviously following the weather very closely. Together, with team navigator Erwan Israël, we check the two daily American and European forecast updates. The first come in before 5am and, whilst there is still not really a departure window on the horizon, we inevitably check each weather update religiously. We are as ready as we can be with a good technical and sporting potential, but the weather is out of our hands. That is what makes record attempts so frustrating…but also so special. When you are on standby, it can at times be stressful, as any athlete waiting for a big match can understand. In addition, we know that when the day of reckoning comes, once we get out on the ocean, conditions will be extreme.”
Among the obstacles blocking the route has been drift ice in the Labrador Current. A harsh winter has meant that icebergs are lasting longer than normal, and while they are slowly melting, the large ice sheets are only disappearing gradually from satellite photos.
The other obstacle has been the Azores High, an anticyclone centred over the Azores and spread like an insurmountable mountain across the entire North Atlantic.
“To make the crossing in record-breaking conditions you have to leave ahead of a depression on the American coast and ride it up to Newfoundland, where you pick up another and accelerate for the rest of the crossing. You then have to stay in front of the system, which must not catch you up or wane before you reach the finish line,” adds Erwan Israël. “With such a huge, powerful anticyclone at the moment, the depressions are not making any headway, and neither can we!”
The team is prepared to remain on standby through to mid-August if necessary to find a suitable departure window. Updates here:
Blade F16 #777
Re: 2014 F-16 World Championships in USA
[Re: US5352]
#274180 07/25/1408:17 AM07/25/1408:17 AM