Seems everything is shipshape and ready to go tomorrow

better do a final check.....

Ever have one of those days when no matter what or how you do something it gets fugly in around 2.3 billiseconds, yep I was having one

First up
the boat is NOT a work bench, but apparently son number 2 thinks otherwise, and there is junk everywhere from his last ellevenity billion projects.....
mutter mutter mutter

2 hours wasted cleaning up after him

Next was to check the gear in the sail box, all that stuff I'd put in there shortly after the sail box was constructed, and promptly forgotten all about

1st up was the traveller rope, don't remember why or how it ended up in there .....ahhhh yeah... its shot and needs replacing, kewl, I can do that !!!

20mins later and son number 4 comes in the shed with the now not so new rope "
eies did neebs it poor da ubby-ouse wadder"
What else did you need for the cubby-house ladder ??
errrr, bats orlso the now mud covered rope gets washed and the myriad of 4yearolds knots are un-done and its finally fitted

Next was the rudder's and cases....
oh yeah, that crack that I'd completely forgotten all about, and the fibreglass hold down rods that are shattered.
mmmm my usual trick of slipping some heat shrink tube over it goes straight out the door.... Son 1 has helped himself to my supply for his amp install in his car...
better glass in some new rods then, thankfully I'd hidden them well so it was going to be an easy fix

Right about then I started thinking (dangerous thing to do at the last minute I've since been reminded), if I cut that off, change that, tig that to that & that bit to those bits, pop em in the lathe, and rivet the left one on the right side and the right side onto the left.... 5hours later and I have an entirely new rudder lock down system

and the new rods have also been resined in, tomorrow we test it

mental note to self -> take the tools you might need to fine tune it -> if it works

IE: zip-ties and grey tape if it doesn't

ok, better have a look at the cracked rudder....
and an hour later its been fixed and the resin has started to cure nicely (yep one HOT mix = running out of time here fast)
jut one more quick check
ummm where's the ockey-cord for the trap ????
& more importantly, why isn't it where I put it

more time spent (wasted) on searching for nothing, its not here !
anger management time => one STRONG coffee (and watch a bit of Bathurst car racing.... except the TV decides that for reasons known only to it that the channel the racing is on has a bad signal and the picture that is there is pixilated and constantly freezing.... commentary is good tho, if only I could see what they are talking about

As it turns out the break was just what I needed and on my stroll back to the shed I spot the ockey-cord... not where I would have put it and certainly NOT there when I went for a coffee
its now in 2 pieces

Son 3 wanders in and asks if I'd found the cordy stuff , yep he's guilty as

Hunt through Karp's spares box and sadly I'm cutting up Karps new ocky-cord, atleast son 3 didn't loose the plastic snap hooks, and so now we have a trap again.
Right... the final final over it final check

in 12 hours time we'll be on the water

& I'll do some pics later