Scarecrow nailed it, the rope addition in the glass stiffens the mould up considerably, sure a stick of wood most likely would be slightly better but wood doesn't bend that well around tight corners....
Its an old speedway trick we used way back when, the glass body panels often developed stress fractures from the riggors of racing, the addition of the rope near edges stiffened up the panel and stopped the vibrations from initialising the fractures.
Yes I weighed Shy, and she WAS fat

No I never "advertised" the weight and don't intend to even now, let just say she's closer to the weight limit than she'd ever have been but could loose a couple more kilo's safely.
The biggest and probably the most surprising weight loss was the 'rubbish' that was removed. A total of ~12 kilos of "bits" of rubbish were removed, this was mainly excess resin dribbles from repairs or original building and the massive build up of what I can only call "road grime" => years of open hatches had let in all sorts of weird stuff....
Included were:
empty beer and coke cans, several butts and dead matches, bits of paper, set of car keys, small shifter, 3 shackle keys, dead birds and a nest, and about a dozen 'matchbox' toy cars!!! ..... the major debris aside from the resin was sawdust and general dust, all up each hull gave up ~3kgs of just dust with the vacuum cleaner
When we did Scorpian the weight loss was even more dramatic than Shy's and yes its above the limit aswell, Phill was amazed at the constant amount of dust we kept sucking out, when its final weight was done he had one huge smile on his face, I still don't think he belived the loss Scorp went through until it hit the scales
The most noticeable thing..... both boats sit on the water in a totally different manor, its that big a difference visibly, they are also diferent ladies on the water too

Could I get even more off ????
Oh yeah.... I have no doubt now that I could get an older heavier boat to go UNDER the weight limit, I keep looking at a certain pair of red hulls and keep thinking.... winter project