Hi Dave,
Good to hear you are keeping in mind the Lake Bogan Racing Team and their wicked ways

. But seriously, in all my years of sailing I have had trouble with flow on foils from all sorts of things like weed, plastic bags, jellyfish, bits of wood and other rubbish. But never fish

. We waited 2 days for wind and then when we got some wind, the damn fish slowed me down

. But at least they didn't break my rudder lock down and make me miss races, as happened to Peter N

I finaly got home today, according to Gary J, it's because of my slow Subie

. Managed 2,000km in the 2 weeks, gee its a long way to Boga, via Echuca and return via Mildura, but a great holiday

Thanks so much to all of the Lake Boga crew for the hospitality and a special mention to Garry J, for helping to make a regatta a great holiday.