| Re: Popular Vote Loser News
[Re: hobie1616]
#287206 06/10/17 08:44 PM 06/10/17 08:44 PM |
Joined: Nov 2005 Posts: 5,582 “an island in the Pacifi... hobie1616
Carpal Tunnel
Carpal Tunnel
Joined: Nov 2005
Posts: 5,582 “an island in the Pacifi... | Profiles in Poltroonery**** assholes playing the role of “senator†and “former FBI Director†and “Director of National Security†and “Director of the NSA†had run for the exits and called out over their shoulders, “Ask Bob Mueller. It’s in his court now.†Trump is dirty. He’s guilty of something so bad he fired the director of the FBI trying to keep it covered up. He’s running scared. Trump obviously figured that actually obstructing justice by trying to influence a criminal investigation by the FBI was preferable to having that investigation discover what he is covering up. That prospect scares him to death. There is only one question remaining to be answered, really. What information could be so damaging to Trump that it’s worse than obstruction of justice, a federal crime and an impeachable offense? There’s something out there having to do with Russians and money and Russians and sex. Money laundering? Illegal loans? Offshore payments on which he hasn’t paid tax? Hot and cold running hookers? Peepee parties? Whatever it is, Trump is afraid of it coming out not only because it will cost him the presidency, it will cost him his identity, his manhood. It will cost him who he is. US Sail Level 2 Instructor US Sail Level 3 Coach | | | Re: Popular Vote Loser News
[Re: hobie1616]
#287257 06/12/17 03:00 PM 06/12/17 03:00 PM |
Joined: Nov 2005 Posts: 5,582 “an island in the Pacifi... hobie1616
Carpal Tunnel
Carpal Tunnel
Joined: Nov 2005
Posts: 5,582 “an island in the Pacifi... | In a recent Quinnipiac University poll, respondents were asked what word immediately came to mind when they thought of Donald Trump: The No. 1 response was “idiot.†This was followed by “incompetent,†“liar,†“leader,†“unqualified,†and finally, in sixth place, “president.†Superlatives like “great†and a few unprintable descriptives came further down on the list. But let us focus on the first. In ancient Greek society, an idiotes was a layperson who lacked professional skills. The idiot contributed nothing to public life or the common good. His existence depended on the skill and labor of others; he was a leech sucking the lifeblood from the social body. Related to this, idiocy (from the root idios, “one’s ownâ€) was the state of a private or self-centered person. This contrasted with the status of the public citizen, or polites, such that to be an idiot was to be withdrawn, isolated and selfish, to not participate in the public, political life of the city-state. In Greek society, the condition of idiocy was seen as peculiar and strange (a meaning that is retained in the English word “idiosyncraticâ€); thus “idiot†was a term of reproach and disdain. Trump and the True Meaning of ‘Idiot’ US Sail Level 2 Instructor US Sail Level 3 Coach | | | Re: Popular Vote Loser News
[Re: hobie1616]
#287589 07/04/17 09:45 AM 07/04/17 09:45 AM |
Joined: Nov 2005 Posts: 5,582 “an island in the Pacifi... hobie1616
Carpal Tunnel
Carpal Tunnel
Joined: Nov 2005
Posts: 5,582 “an island in the Pacifi... | We have a president who neither understands nor respects the basic norms of American democracy. Make no mistake: Donald Trump is a true aberration. There is no figure like him in U.S. history, for which we should be thankful. Trump’s inexperience is unique; he is the only president never to have served in government or the military. This weakness is exponentially compounded by his ignorance of both policy and process, his lack of curiosity, his inability to focus and his tremendous insecurity. He refuses to acknowledge his shortcomings, let alone come to terms with them; and he desperately craves the kind of sycophantic adulation that George Washington, a genuine hero, pointedly rejected. Our #FakeHero president is an insult to our Founders US Sail Level 2 Instructor US Sail Level 3 Coach | | | Re: The media IS the Democraptic party!
[Re: Todd_Sails]
#287649 07/13/17 04:15 PM 07/13/17 04:15 PM |
Joined: Nov 2005 Posts: 5,582 “an island in the Pacifi... hobie1616
Carpal Tunnel
Carpal Tunnel
Joined: Nov 2005
Posts: 5,582 “an island in the Pacifi... | Trump comments on border wall while flying to France on Air Force One.
"One of the things with the wall is you need transparency. You have to be able to see through it. In other words, if you can't see through that wall — so it could be a steel wall with openings, but you have to have openings because you have to see what's on the other side of the wall. And I'll give you an example. As horrible as it sounds, when they throw the large sacks of drugs over, and if you have people on the other side of the wall, you don't see them -- they hit you on the head with 60 pounds of stuff? It's over. As cray as that sounds, you need transparency through that wall. But we have some incredible designs."
Them Mexicans are some strong mofo's to be able to toss a 60 pound bag of drugs over a 40 foot wall. US Sail Level 2 Instructor US Sail Level 3 Coach | | | Popular Vote Loser News
[Re: hobie1616]
#287698 07/28/17 08:23 AM 07/28/17 08:23 AM |
Joined: Nov 2005 Posts: 5,582 “an island in the Pacifi... hobie1616
Carpal Tunnel
Carpal Tunnel
Joined: Nov 2005
Posts: 5,582 “an island in the Pacifi... | Trump Is Woody Allen Without the HumorThe president’s primary problem as a leader is not that he is impetuous, brash or naive. It’s not that he is inexperienced, crude, an outsider. It is that he is weak and sniveling. He’s not strong and self-controlled, not cool and tough, not low-key and determined; he’s whiny, weepy and self-pitying. He throws himself, sobbing, on the body politic. He’s a drama queen. Half the president’s tweets show utter weakness. They are plaintive, shrill little cries, usually just after dawn. “It’s very sad that Republicans, even some that were carried over the line on my back, do very little to protect their president.†The brutes. His public brutalizing of Attorney General Jeff Sessions isn’t strong, cool and deadly; it’s limp, lame and blubbery. The truth, six months in, is that he is not presidential and is not getting it done. His mad, blubbery petulance isn’t working for him but against him. If he were presidential he’d be getting it done—building momentum, gaining support. He’d be over 50%, not under 40%. He’d have health care, and more. Meanwhile the whole world is watching, a world that contains predators. How could they not be seeing this weakness, confusion and chaos and thinking it’s a good time to cause some trouble? US Sail Level 2 Instructor US Sail Level 3 Coach | | | Popular Vote Loser News
[Re: hobie1616]
#287717 08/08/17 06:56 PM 08/08/17 06:56 PM |
Joined: Nov 2005 Posts: 5,582 “an island in the Pacifi... hobie1616
Carpal Tunnel
Carpal Tunnel
Joined: Nov 2005
Posts: 5,582 “an island in the Pacifi... | Trump gets a folder full of positive news about himself twice a day... the folders are filled with screenshots of positive cable news chyrons (those lower-third headlines and crawls), admiring tweets, transcripts of fawning TV interviews, praise-filled news stories, and sometimes just pictures of Trump on TV looking powerful. Hahahahahahahahahahahaha! Possibly the best part of this wonderful, hilarious, deeply terrifying story is that they have to do it twice a day. They can't just pop in each morning with a collection of news clippings that paint Donald in a positive light—they have to go in twice, because just once a day isn't enough. And augment it with tweets praising him. And printed-out pictures of himself. US Sail Level 2 Instructor US Sail Level 3 Coach | | | Popular Vote Loser News
[Re: hobie1616]
#287719 08/09/17 09:13 PM 08/09/17 09:13 PM |
Joined: Nov 2005 Posts: 5,582 “an island in the Pacifi... hobie1616
Carpal Tunnel
Carpal Tunnel
Joined: Nov 2005
Posts: 5,582 “an island in the Pacifi... | Trump translated...
Norwegian: Trump or trumpa translates as “a smelly substance picked up in the street that one cannot easily scrape off the bottom of a shoe.†Usage: “Your boots are covered in dog trumpa, please leave them outside!â€
Catalan: Trumpello means “the color yellow†and, alternately, “urine, but only in the context of a golden shower.â€
Mandarin: Trump-hao has two possible meanings, “a dangerous escalation in tensions triggered by a minor trade dispute†or, simply, “escalator.†Example: “Don’t let your extra long tie get caught in the trump-hao."
Danish: The Danes use the word trumpsen to convey the feeling of sadness or it can be translated more concisely as “SAD!â€
Polish: Trumpczyk is defined as “huge or enormous,†as in ‘The crowds for the inauguration were trumpczyk!’â€
Vietnamese: In this Southeast Asian language, trumpyen denotes “rust caused by oxidation and moisture†or “rust that forms on a democracy when it is not used enough or is neglected.â€
Russian: The playful word trumpovski means “puppet†or “pawn†in Russian. Example: “With an incriminating videotape in his possession, the brilliant puppet master was able to fully control the empty-headed trumpovski.â€
Arabic: Trumpadi is a form of rebuke or way of scolding others, especially employees, and can be translated as “You’re fired!â€
German: The Germans use the president’s original surname, drumpf, when referring to racism or someone who is racist, as in “Good thing the island nation is not lead by a drumpf, otherwise minorities would be in big trouble.â€
Italian: The simple form, trumpano, means “windbag, blowhard, or blabbermouth.†Usage: “If I have to listen to that trumpano for four more years, I’m definitely moving to Canada.â€
Hebrew: In Israel and other places where Hebrew is spoken, a trumpowitz is “an emotionally-stunted individual obsessed with his mother or, less kindly, a mama’s boy.†Example: “That kind of whiny tantrum is unusual for a man, but common with a trumpowitz.â€
Turkish: A 19th century addition to the language, the word trumpogan is used to denote “a weird or offbeat hairstyle†as in, “With the large front shelf, the rakish comb over, and those slicked back sides, the man created his own unique trumpogan.â€
Greek: The word trumpolous entered the Greek language in Plato’s time and refers to a person who dodges military service. Usage: When war broke out, the cowardly trumpolous claimed he had a foot problem rather than serve to defend his country.â€
Swahili: Trumpaea is commonly used in Tanzania, Kenya, and other African countries to mean “vagina.†Usage: When he tried to grab her trumpaea, she slapped him in the mouth, then threw him to the lions.â€
Japanese: In Japan, they have a very precise word for bankruptcies that involve real estate properties — trumpimoto. Example: “When the economy tanked, all the over-leveraged casinos went trumpimoto.â€
Hindi: Trumpatel is a verb in India’s primary language and means “to continuously trumpet one’s vast wealth, long after anyone cares.†Usage: “His entire organization trumpateled his many billions, but without tax returns, there was no proof.â€
Korean: A culinary word, trump-pak is defined as “the soft underbelly of a domestic dog considered delicious served with duck sauce.â€
French: A self-portrait is called a trumpeau in French. Example: “She hung a trumpeau of her husband in the basement of their white house, where it would not constantly nauseate her.â€
Nepalese: A word that originated in the foothills of the Himalayas, a trumpsherpa is a “potbelly, paunch, or beer gut,†as in, “He had to have his expensive suits taken out twice a year due to his ever expanding trumpsherpa.â€
Spanish: Trumpierdo is defined as an acute state of confusion, fear, or disbelief: “The entire country was overcome with trumpierdo when a circus barker was accidentally given a stockpile of lethal weapons.†US Sail Level 2 Instructor US Sail Level 3 Coach | | | Popular Vote Loser News
[Re: hobie1616]
#287730 08/13/17 09:59 PM 08/13/17 09:59 PM |
Joined: Nov 2005 Posts: 5,582 “an island in the Pacifi... hobie1616
Carpal Tunnel
Carpal Tunnel
Joined: Nov 2005
Posts: 5,582 “an island in the Pacifi... | If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you. ---President Lyndon Baines Johnson
We have a bigoted billionaire-cum-president who has done precious little for the white working class whose resentment fueled his rise. They have emptied their ethical and economic pockets in support of him even though he turned his back on them the moment he entered the Oval Office. The only remnant of his leadership they have to hold on to is the folklore of white nationalist sentiment, and xenophobic passion, that offer them psychic comfort if little financial stability.
Do you know where your wallet is Todd? US Sail Level 2 Instructor US Sail Level 3 Coach | | |
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