Wouter wrote :
>>>>Meaning : So it is true, the hired professionals do not sail with stock Tiger sails<<
>Well... it was an F18 event right? Not a Tiger event. It is accepted that F18 is open. Of course they will use the latest stuff.
That is not the point Matt. The point deals with the comment made by Mike Hill earlier: "I didn't read anything on the site about the mainsail. However I can't imagine that the current sail is slower seeing as it has won the F18 classes consistently"
Obviously the stock sails didn't win anything (apart from a Tiger OD race) as the winners never used these in open format races like F18 races or regatta's like Round Texel.
This is part of the misconception that is perpetuated by the current "Tiger F18 as well as Tiger OD" setup.
While it is true that the Tiger OD is a compliant F18 the reverse is not true and never was. The Tiger F18 is all dominant in results while the Tiger OD is not. Sadly a lot of people accidently or intentionally confuse the two for various reasons.
>>There is still (and growing in the USA and Australia amongst other regions) a strong following in the Tiger one design World wide. This, by the way, is governed by the International Hobie Class Association and ISAF, not the factories. We have to be sensitive to that.
Matt, The F18 class is an ISAF class as well. They have to comply with the same rulesets as the Tiger OD class. They are succesful and don't report issues with the ISAF organisation so why does the Tiger OD have them ?
My answer is because the F18 is NOT amending their rules that often. Their rules allow variation in the designs while the Tiger OD class rules try to limit changes that are inevitable. The problem is not ISAF but the mindset of the IHCA that want to make the Tiger class into a spinnaker equipped Hobie 16 class.
Sure IHCA can do that but then the Tiger will loose its F18 marketshare or a split will occur between Tiger OD and Tiger F18 classes. A split that will in my opinion will see the F18 side win.
Also, the signs are that F18 is US and AUS is growing faster and more strongly then Tiger OD class. Afterall the other builder will do their best to keep this segment of boats open to there products; they are not going to let Hobie corner the market for themselfs. And because of the price difference between the imported Tiger and the homemade Nacra F18 I think that Hobie corp should be careful on the US market. It won't take much to turn around fortunes.
>>We are now having the 4th Worlds right? This one will be very well attended... all Tiger one design.
When will the next Tiger worlds be ? In less then 12 months we'll have the next F18 worlds. I'm not saying that Tiger class should not have their own worlds just that it will for ever take second place to the F18 worlds. Both in attendence and standing. Simply because quite a few top sailors either don't sail a Tiger or don't sail a Tiger OD.
Sure Booth and Bundock will get a Tiger OD shoved under their butts with a envelop containing wages+expenses but we won't see Mourniac there (3 times 2nd at F18 worlds) or any other top sailor without a Hobie contract.
In addition, there is not much else going on with respect to Tiger OD. Seriously for this year 2004 a Tiger OD enthousiast could go to the Dutch nationals, the German nationals and the French nationals. No Europeans (cancelled), No worlds or even any other Tiger OD race.
Ohh scrap the Dutch nationals please. At
http://www.hobiehotnews.nl/ we are informed that (translated from Dutch):
"Last year we had to do without the many famous Tiger sailors and the participation was less than hoped for.
A major but not only cause was the need to rebuild the boats to standard Hobie Tiger
This year we would like to try if we can attract the Hobie Tigers with a different formula.
On 27.28 and 29 august is the Tiger F18 is seperate class on the Hobie Dutch Championship (NK) in Scheveningen. The boats will not have to be converted back and the racing will be done under F18 rules; of course all boats must still be of Hobie Tiger in origin"
Now I can look up the German and French nationals but I really won't bother. With the cancellation of the Tiger OD Europeans I think the general gist of things will be clear.
>>There is no intention of rolling back any developements, but there is a problem for manufacturing with ever changing design (as well as a problem selling it).
Well nacra is doing it. Hell alot of people are still buying Tiger even when they have to rebuild them to F18 specs.
It just won't fly with me that Hobie can't make a buck out of that. Just slap on 1500 Euro's on the base price and all the customers to decide what they want on their boats. Afterall; Hobie corp is ALREADY supplying all the upgrade gear like selftackers to upgraders. How hard would it be to order a few sails from Landenberger or even the new set of Ullman. How much more would it cost. It is not like Hobie bought 1000 mainsails some 4 years back that still need to be "handed out". I don't beleive that.
And buying a few roles of the new generation lines should not be an issue either. You can still use the old line on your Hobie 16's and FX-ones.
Seriously these are not strong reasons.
If I may be harsh I think the real reason is that Hobie wants to have it both ways. They want to sell boats on the OD status to people who are first made nervous by arms race talk and sell boats on wins in F18 races to people who just want to have a competitive boat.
I think this fairy tale is coming to an end. Right now US sailors spend much less money on a competitive Nacra F18 than on a OD Tiger that is okay in F18 races. And in Europe none seriously considers the Tiger OD class when buying a Tiger. here Tigers are sold as base platforms to F18's racing.
Besides. what are you saying to the nervous sailors scared of development ? well you are not actually saying it; to be precise. You write on the forums and posters how Tiger won this and that while never mentioning that these are not Tiger OD boats but the very much continiously developped Tiger F18's !
So what are these people buying into ? A Tiger OD race cirquit ? None exists in Europe, I doubt it does anywhere else except in some form in the US. A Tiger OD that is competitive in the F18 class ? Sorry, not without the upgrades. A good boat for less money. ? Not anymore; Tigers are no cheaper then others. In fact; in some area's others are cheaper.
No, you are increasingly selling them a story.
That is your business and to some extend none of my business but I would like to put up an argument for the "other side".
It is not without reason that people on the beaches mention to me that they like my posts on the forum and often )not always) agree with what is being written. You can brush me off as Wouter having a particular view but that will skip over sailors and RC-members that have expressed differently. And please remember I volunteered and did RC work on a Hobie OD nationals as well. So I've been up close. Even then the turn was less than was possible with a little flexibility. I refer to the statement made regarding the Dutch nationals of the coming week.
>>Just look at the flack over the Nacra F17 changes. It is not an easy balance for us either, because are possibly left with outdated inventory if things change too fast.
The flack over the I-17/F-17 is of a different kind. There an impression of a formula class is given without there being any Formula rule set allowing manufactorers or suppliers other then Nacra. It is not even a box rule set of rules. It is merely a SMOD rule set with a confusing name.
With regard to inventory being outdate. yes I can see that can be a problem. However if Hobie makes a clear decision now that Tiger OD is a class of all boats being in origin Tigers and complying to F18 rules than a whole lot of inventory problems will disappear. You now has them in part BECAUSE you have to stock both versions to be able to cater to both sailors. Also by allowing change you won't have to order new stock of outdated sails but can order new stock of the newer sails. The development of these items is slow enough that last year sail will not be that much outclassed by the new sail. The problem of being outclasses comes from sails that are more than 2 or 3 years out of sync.
Besides if you take your sails from Zucoli (and not only bought the design of him several years ago) then you can go with the times without to much effort as I really don't think that these lofts can work up more than a few months of stock at the time.
>>It is difficult on the sailors and the manufacturers either way this goes.
Well, difficult it may be but it is also largely the result of choice made in the past. Choices that were not necessary. Same as the nacra with the I-20/I-18 mainsails. US I-18 lost out already and it appears the Europeans won't accept the US I-20 mainsails as well. With Europe being Europe in catamaran sailing this pretty much means that F18 and F20 will remain as they are and will grind down any party trying to go against the original classes.
I much rather see Tiger stay on for a while longer and be clear to the people thinking about these boats of what they can expect. With the asking prices for these boats they are entitled to that. Nor do I think that Hobie needs to worry about having a class that is not SMOD. Afterall, they are selling enough tigers to F18 crews as it is despite the double standard.
That was all. Thank you for putting up with me