never name something thats 8' wide after your wife.
Unless, of course, your wife happens to be 10.5 feet wide, in which case it will be a compliment. Works for boats with trailerable beam, you'd still be trouble with an ARC-22...
you can always go with the old indian name of: IITYWIMWYBMAB First saw this one in a bar in New Haven, CT. Named a hobie 14 this, and ended up with a few drinks and laughs at the bar after the frostbite regattas because of it. Chris
Re: Cat Name#5447 07/06/0607:31 AM07/06/0607:31 AM
... may I correct you: "Katz" is not the (short-cut) word for catamarans in German. For a single one it's Kat, plural is Kats. The word "Katze" which comes closest to your "Katz" means cat (the animal) - which may be a nice suggestion, too.
Being slightly old school and stuck on old boat lore.. the boat should be named after a girl,a bird or the wind.or its bad luck. thats open for intrepretation. my boat was called "morris" after a ceremony i changed it to "avalon darlyn" darlyn is my grandma. here some examples of "erin's express" or forest gump's boat "jenny" or "raven" "wild turkey" for a bird. there great names for wind "whisk" or "suhaili" two great boats. my buddies SC20 tall rig "in a reggata to beat'cha" great name but can't sail it in the ocean. having fun with you all. remeber no banannas on the boat.
Re: Cat Name
[Re: warbird]
#5451 07/31/0610:31 AM07/31/0610:31 AM
In Greek mythology, the Argonauts (ancient Greek) were a band of heroes who, in the years before the Trojan War, accompanied Jason to Colchis in his quest for the Golden Fleece. Their name comes from their ship, the [color:"red"] Argo which in turn was named after its builder Argus[/color] . They were sometimes called Minyans, after a prehistoric tribe of the area.
Well, I knew most of what you said but had not read that the boat was named after its builder. I note that does not hold with female/sea/flight related names. It would howevermake me in one case a Lolanaut! and a Tallulah Bellanaut! : )
anyone called their boat "Astro" ?
Re: Cat Name
[Re: warbird]
#5456 12/03/0602:28 AM12/03/0602:28 AM
I have been having fun reading about all the great names out there.
I just named my new Nacra 5.2, it was officially christened today. Bottle of Champange and everything. Granted we didn't break the bottle and didn't launch her right then but we drank the champange while sitting on the tramp in the freezing cold.
She is officially named "Elsies". This is named after the girl that I have talked about, I couldb't name it directly after her but her intials are LCS, so if you sound out the name it sounds like her intials. That was part of her B-day present! She really liked it!
Once you go cat you never go back!
Nacra 5.2 (Elsies)#1499, running an inter17 spin!
My first boat was a P-19MX which was named "CATASTROPHIC" My new boat will be a Capricorn F-18 & will be named "CAP OUTTA HELL" <img src="" alt="" />
Last edited by scross; 12/03/0606:57 AM.
Re: Cat Name
[Re: scross]
#5458 12/03/0608:50 AM12/03/0608:50 AM
She is officially named "Elsies". This is named after the girl that I have talked about, I couldb't name it directly after her but her intials are LCS, so if you sound out the name it sounds like her intials. That was part of her B-day present! She really liked it!
Funny, when I told my woman that I was going to name a boat thats 8'6" wide after her, she slapped me.
The Sunfish I grew up sailing was named "Constant Panic", a play on the initials of the company Colgate-Palmolive where my dad won her in a sales contest. My wife and I named our Mirage 236 "Whodathunkit?". The name of our upcoming cat is still being debated, but "Calibri" (French for hummingbird) is the leading contender at the moment (although I'm still pondering something that plays on "cat").