Is anyone going to distribute a polar chart for this boat?
Also, when watching the spinnaker portion of the video, I noticed the bows were out of the water most of the time. Is this the proper boat trim for this model?
Also, when watching the spinnaker portion of the video, I noticed the bows were out of the water most of the time. Is this the proper boat trim for this model?
Of course I have no first hand knowledge of the Infusion F18, but I can tell you that the other Flyer A-cat inspired boats like the Capricorn F18, Blade F18 and Blade F16 are all reported to be sailed best under spinnaker with the bow out of the water. This appears to make them faster. It was not expected, nor envisioned during the design stages, but in real life testing it proved to work well. Some people think it has something to do with the "reduced volume in the wvepiercer bows", but actually the bouyancy was never reduced here; if anything it was increased. The explanations are still various. Some say the wide keels allow planing others say that it reduces pitching even more because the wave contact the hulls rather away from the bows. There is no concensus apart from the fact that these new hulls like to be sailed out of the water with their bows when sailing at speed under their spinnaker.
Maybe it is just a way to reduce wetted surface area because the new hullshapes depress their sterns much less than the older shapes and thus suffer only a mild penalty in wave-making drag. More testing and theorizing is required
Wouter Hijink Formula 16 NED 243 (one-off; homebuild) The Netherlands
Re: Infusion on Video
#62368 12/05/0504:14 PM12/05/0504:14 PM
looks kinda wet too. I was looking for the "wave-piercing" effect that Jake referenced in the other thread, and you can see it in this video where they'd ride up one wave and just plow through the next.
Pretty cool.
Re: Infusion on Video
[Re: MauganN20]
#62369 12/05/0505:09 PM12/05/0505:09 PM
Well, I guess it doesn't have "displacement" hulls in the traditional sense where waterline governs speed... But I'm far from being any sort of engineer...
Re: Infusion on Video
#62370 12/05/0508:13 PM12/05/0508:13 PM
Hey....I recognize that flowery red rash guard...nice form Dan!
I also really like what they've done with the fairing just before the main beam. It grates my nerves when I can feel water smashing into the front beam on most other catamarans including the I20.
Jake Kohl
Re: Infusion on Video
[Re: Jake]
#62371 12/05/0510:47 PM12/05/0510:47 PM
Having the bows out with spinnaker relieves the helm, makes it more responsive to steering (less likely to lee helm as well) and just seems to go faster with less likelyhood of "pitching" if the bows are driven through the water.
Re: Infusion on Video
[Re: Jake]
#62372 12/06/0507:41 AM12/06/0507:41 AM
Having the bows out with spinnaker relieves the helm, makes it more responsive to steering (less likely to lee helm as well) and just seems to go faster with less likelyhood of "pitching" if the bows are driven through the water.
The first part seems natural, as you effectively rake the rig more aft. The "go faster" bit, wouldn't that be largely dependent on the type of hull you have? Would this be valid for eg. the Mosquitos and Tornados also?
I have a DVD, with among others, Mitch and Herbie sailing their T. I always tought they had their weight rather far aft, but perhaps you just pointed out why to me..
Dan, what were Petes thoughts on the boat? I know he is only going to be possitive, but as someone who has one on order, I am after all the info I can get. How did it compare to the F18 that you were trialing with? Are we to see pete on the European F18 circuit this season?
Re: Infusion on Video
[Re: MauganN20]
#62376 12/08/0512:19 PM12/08/0512:19 PM
Gary - I had a bit of trouble with the video as well. I updated my Quicktime on my PC and voila it was there. Did you already try this? I was going to bring it into my video editor and make an NTSC copy (it is in PAL) but the only conversion program I found that worked left a watermark in it. If someone has another suggestion I will take it.
Paul - Pete likes the boat. To tell you the truth he seems to like all the boats he sails and especially the ones he designs. My opinion, comparing it to the F18, is that it seems to be able to carry more weight on it. The position that you sail the boat to weather is a bit back from what I am used to. Pete kept asking be to get back bit. As a crew I was behind the shroud and Pete was as close as he could get next to me. This of course helps with the pitching of the boat. Normally as a skipper I am planted about where I was as a crew on this boat, so that is about shoulder-with back. Most of us sailing both boats thought that the newer one had a slight advantage to weather and a substantial advantage downwind. You will still have to go the right way on the course as you do not have the Ferrarri compared to the moped. The downwind advantage seems to be the way the boat handles more than anything. You will be able to take advantage of the wind and swell with more swiftness. This can be a disadvantage to those that do not keep the tiller still enough to let the boat can get up and go.
Pete mostly sails his A-Cat. I do not think he is likely to show up at too many events even here. I have tried to talk him into the Formula 18 Worlds in France. He did not say no. Maybe if Jay Glaser showed interested in crewing he would go.
Damit Dan, I was really looking foreard to seeing you in your red skivies.
I was sailing the boat in the video. I was crewing for Pete Melvin. I am in the red rash guard.
I can not get to any part of that nacraeurope site. I have tried different browsers. Forget about what codecs or viewers I have; I can't even get the home page at that site. And I do believe that my player is upgraded too.
Dan, are you the guy who came ashore at Belmont Shore's Claremont beach when we had a fun event known as Catapalooza last year? There was a guy and his father who had just taken delivery of a Nacra F18.
Santa Monica Bay Mystere 6.0 "Whisk" <--- R.I.P.
Re: Infusion on Video
[Re: hobiegary]
#62380 12/09/0512:54 AM12/09/0512:54 AM
Gary, I just tried to get there and it loaded up right away and started playing the video. I can also ping the website from my pc and a tracert takes 19 hops to get to the site from here. If you can ping or traceroute to the site try and lower your web security settings - the site plays a quicktime video automatically and maybe your settings are blocking it. Not sure if that's it but it's worth a try. Good Luck,
Lance Taipan 5.7 USA 182 Palm Harbor, FL
Re: Infusion on Video
[Re: Lance]
#62381 12/09/0502:09 AM12/09/0502:09 AM
I'm the webmaster of and it seems a lot of you can't reach the website (from America). We are trying to fix the problem, and I hope you can help me with it.
Could anyone who can't reach the website do the following (using windows): Start -> Run -> cmd tracert
Could you send the result (right click -> mark) as a personal message to me? This info would be very helpful to tackle this problem!
If anyone has other problems with the movie, please let me know.
greetings, John
Sailing, the most expensive way of using free energy.
Re: Infusion on Video
[Re: Johnny]
#62382 12/09/0502:28 AM12/09/0502:28 AM
>tracert Tracing route to [] over a maximum of 30 hops:
1 7 ms 7 ms 7 ms 2 9 ms 10 ms 9 ms [65.32.15. 1] 3 9 ms 9 ms 10 ms [65 .32.8.137] 4 11 ms 9 ms 10 ms [] 5 11 ms 11 ms 12 ms [] 6 28 ms 27 ms 27 ms [] 7 27 ms 27 ms 27 ms [] 8 60 ms 59 ms 59 ms [ ] 9 60 ms 59 ms 59 ms [] 10 62 ms 61 ms 59 ms [] 11 60 ms 59 ms 59 ms [] 12 59 ms 59 ms 60 ms [] 13 60 ms 59 ms 59 ms [] 14 71 ms 70 ms 70 ms [] 15 141 ms 142 ms 141 ms [] 16 144 ms 141 ms 141 ms []
17 153 ms 153 ms 156 ms []
18 161 ms 168 ms 155 ms [82.98 .250.186] 19 155 ms 153 ms 154 ms []
Trace complete.
Lance Taipan 5.7 USA 182 Palm Harbor, FL
Re: Infusion on Video
[Re: Lance]
#62383 12/09/0502:46 AM12/09/0502:46 AM
mhh that's not good IE is crashing on the movie. It's programmed to show the movie if Quicktime player is installed on your computer and if not quicktime player is installed, you should get a message to download a plugin. If you download the movie from Nacra F18 Infusion and watch it, do you get also an error?
Sailing, the most expensive way of using free energy.