Thanks you Andreas,
You know why I respect and even like you (

) ?
Because you don't hide the facts.
I refered indeed to the 2004 Rimini measurements and you confirmed for us that :
... But all the Bim measured then 135 kg - 140kg. ...
Still a good weight for an 18 footer in my book, mind you. Just not 127 kg or say as was claimed.
I'm very happy for you all that at last measurement the Bims into the 130 kgs range.
One thing I don't understand is, why do you have to convince everbody, that the Javelin is such a bad boat when there are people around, who actually like these boats?
Actually I'm not out to convince everybody that the Bim is a bad boat. I actually didn't write anything like that in my other posts. I'm only calling BS on some of the claims. If some-one, for example, writes that the Bim didn't have leaking daggerboards while there is a score of (former) owners who will testify that they did then that is absurd. And I will call that out. I've actually seen that myself at Springfever. Same with some of the other issues.
No I see that some-one claims that I should hold my tongue because some FORMER HT owner is a more respected sailor then me !
Let me turn this around, why do the HT guys try to convince other sailors that these well documented HT issues are not true ?
Lets me give an example in reverse : If somebody would post publically on this forum that the Taipan 4.9 jib setup is a real pain in the shins ehhh neck then I would say that they are absolutely right. That setup is a right nuance, it is too far back on the trampoline, you hit it with your shins and it makes tacking with two on board a limbo dance.
Does that degrade me ? Or even the larger Taipan 4.9 design ? No it is the truth, it makes the Taipan 4.9 less good (bad ?) boat then it could be.
That is the truth and there is no denying it.
It is the same way with the Jav-2 and even the general 18HT class.
When I write that the 18HT class has a serious problem getting out of the European Alps then that is just an honest appreciation of the situation, not something that sprung from an implicet hate for the Jav-2 or the 18HT class.
When I write that the hulls of the Jav-2 are inferiour to several other hulls out there than that is a honest appreciation of how they behave in waves/chop, gusts/strong winds and collisions. I can quote more then enough resources that back this up. The rear beam is too close to the water and the bow buries too easily under spinnaker in a gust or when powering up in a blow. This is all pretty well documented. Otherwise talk to a score of respected sailors like Dave Lennard, Will Sunnocks and Gerard Loos. Indeed the Ventilo 18HT may well be better in this (I think it is).
When I say that 10.5 mtr masts are really too tall for HT platform then that is an honest appreciation of the science enclosed in boat design. The fact that the HT's have shortened their mast since the foundation of the class only underlines the truthfulness of my comment.
No now of this is because I'm supposedly hate the Jav's or HT's, it is simply the darn truth.
But I will admit to one thing, I'm a right pain in the neck when it comes down to statements that so obviously go against better judgement and generally accepted truths. And during winter time I'm extra "mean", because I'm a sucker for a good debate.