Nice photo. HOT momma !!!m (GRIN). I see why the women get jealous. Sounds like you are a natural. You will be in the trophies in no time. Hope to see you of the circuit sometime.
Doug Snell Hobie 17 Soon to be Mystere 4.3
-- Have You Seen This? --
Re: Awesome Day
[Re: ]
#71584 04/07/0607:02 PM04/07/0607:02 PM
Tom, I met Sue at Performance Midwinters. She is the woman sailor I mentioned in the 'beginner boat' thread. She is the one who told me to think about the H16. She was really something on that I20. She is my hero.
Doug, You made me laugh. I put your Chili's gift card in the mail today. Thanks again for the tip on the boat.
Wnedy is a natural on the helm. We started out in about 8-10, flying a hull single and then double trapped for a while, then it dropped for 30 minutes or so. I handed the tiller over to her and played the mainsheet. She never flinched, tea bagged me, or panicked even when the hull started to fly. She kept a smooth line and pinched up just enough when I had played the sheet out in the puffs. When she learns "why" it all works, she is going to be an awesome skipper.
Wow, thanks Sensei!
Re: Ladies on boats
[Re: SunnyZ]
#71589 04/07/0608:33 PM04/07/0608:33 PM
Thanks. "LOVE THEM BABY BACK BABY BACK BABY BACK RIBS!!!" Maybe we can sail against each other someday? You got a better deal than I did !!! Did you any beachwheels with it? If not I will send you a link to make them for $125 if you send me a email link.
Doug Snell Hobie 17 dsnell4 at houston dot rr dot com Soon to be Mystere 4.3
Last edited by DougSnell; 04/07/0608:35 PM.
Re: Ladies on boats
[Re: ]
#71590 04/07/0608:40 PM04/07/0608:40 PM
I got a trailer for $250 more. Not pretty but functional was the discription. No beach wheels. I all ready have the link to the home made beach wheels from another thread. (Thanks though)
Re: Ladies on boats
[Re: SunnyZ]
#71591 04/07/0609:25 PM04/07/0609:25 PM
Where they the one with the black plastic wheels or the barrels? Just want to make sure you got the latest version. Ones by Danny are better than the blue barrel ones.
Re: Ladies on boats
[Re: ]
#71592 04/07/0611:13 PM04/07/0611:13 PM
Where they the one with the black plastic wheels or the barrels? Just want to make sure you got the latest version. Ones by Danny are better than the blue barrel ones.
I have the post on the black plastic wheels.
Re: Ladies on boats
[Re: Tom Korz]
#71594 04/08/0609:18 AM04/08/0609:18 AM
You should say that Dave survived a sail with me, I am the scarey one... Yeah, the hull is flying and I am just sitting there. He is thinking 'wow, she keeps a cool head' I am thinking 'Do I push or pull this thing to set us back down?' LOL.
Say hi to Sue. She really is a inspiration to me. We are about the same size so I was really paying attention from the committee boat to how she handled herself.
Re: Ladies on boats
[Re: SunnyZ]
#71595 04/08/0605:04 PM04/08/0605:04 PM
I had to go to a meeting at work just after we came in from sailing and I just sat there with a stupid grin on my face and could not concentrate on the meeting at all.
LOL I still get that. Last week I went sailing at 5 am before I had to go to my classes at uni. It was a PERFECT day and I was stuck with that grin all through my classes. One of my friends even said "If I didnt know any better Id say your in love" .. I am, I really am.
Ok, I have only been out on my boat a few times. In really light winds due to cold water temps. Today was the third time about 70 in the air and still chilly water. The winds were light but 10 - 12 with gusts 15 a little freaky for that cold of water. Now, I have sailed a few other times but not much and in very warm water so filpping a 19' Prindle was actualy fun.
The other day I was reading throught this and thought to my self,It is fun but...
So today it dawns on me that I was acutaly starting to understand the many little pieces of info I have read on these threads and I am doing the righ things, roll tacs, controlled gybes, sheet out & head up to slowdown.......
After a few hours of this, I land the boat, de-rig, climb in the truck, start driving home, thinking damnn I'm tired that is actualy like work and slowly I notice that I have what can only be discribed as a Hobie Grin on my stupid face.
Ok, I have only been out on my boat a few times. In really light winds due to cold water temps. Today was the third time about 70 in the air and still chilly water. The winds were light but 10 - 12 with gusts 15 a little freaky for that cold of water. Now, I have sailed a few other times but not much and in very warm water so filpping a 19' Prindle was actualy fun.
The other day I was reading throught this and thought to my self,It is fun but...
So today it dawns on me that I was acutaly starting to understand the many little pieces of info I have read on these threads and I am doing the righ things, roll tacs, controlled gybes, sheet out & head up to slowdown.......
After a few hours of this, I land the boat, de-rig, climb in the truck, start driving home, thinking damnn I'm tired that is actualy like work and slowly I notice that I have what can only be discribed as a Hobie Grin on my stupid face.
It was an Awesome DAY!!!!!
Ha! another one!
Who says this sport is on the decline?
You said you have flipped it. That is the part I want to learn before I will take my boat alone. Once I get my boat in May the first thing I am going to do is learn to right it. After that, I will figure it out.
How did you get introduced to sailing?
Re: Awesome Day
[Re: SunnyZ]
#71599 04/09/0610:08 AM04/09/0610:08 AM
This is a bit of a read, but here it goes: Also, keep in mind our family are all great swimmers. My wife is a life time lifeguard swimteam coach.
Back in 76, my dad rented a bayside condo in San Diego on Mission Bay. Need I say more but?
The guys in the condo next to us raced H16 in AZ Yes they have lakes in Ariozona. Anyway, they took me out on there boat several times, once or twice we went out on the Pacific.
Strangeley enough, (only god know how, probably due to too many drugs at that time) I forgot about how great 1) San Diego was and 2) what a rush Sailing was.
30+ years later, we (my wife and I) ended up with 2 free round trip ticket from SouthWest airlines. We booked a 3 day weekend at the Dana Inn and Marina on Mission Bay. She had never been to SoCal. As soon as the plane hit the ground it ALL came rushing back in. I kept telling her, "We should rent a sail boat, I remember some of the terms". We rented a 12 or 14' sunfish took it out for about an 1 1/2 hours. I scared the crap out of her. By the end of the sail, I was actualy able to sail the boat in to the slip (very cool).
Four years ago, we took our 4 children out for a week on the bay rented a condo. Now, they all want to live in Socal (Way to go dad). Anyway, I now am thinking if I can handle a 14' sunfish, why not a cat, the only thing they had was a 19' prindle. I took my 2 oldest daughter and we went and picked up the boat. I got it stuck on some rocks, had a pelecan try and board the boat, all before I even left the marina. Daughters laughing and taking pictures, what a memory. I get the boat out on the bay, sailed upwind all the way to the north side, no real problems got the hull up a bit daughters laying on the tramp just inches above the water a bit of spray in there faces. Now it comes time to doc the boat and trade passengers, I tried 3 times to dock and on the 3 attempt I just had one of my daughters swim to shore and explain that I was having problems getting the boat on the doc, could not beach it because of the fixed rudders. Got as close to shore as I felt comfy and Meagan takes off her glasses and swims to shore. I turn the boat to try and doc one more time, got out a bit, started to turn, Wam over went the boat daughter ends up on the far side of the main, 1 camera, flipflops film canasters floating everywhere, eye glasses, my watch and second camera and other things I am sure float slowly to the bottom of the bay. Guess I zigged when I should have zagged. Daughter freaking out (she is only 13 what do you expect)I get her calmed down, we get her flipflops and other items secured. Tried several time to right the boat, I knew the ideas, lot of leverage just not enought weight, a third party on there H16 parked his boat his crew swam over we got the boat up, I sailed it back to the marina (again, no problems with getting back to dock.
There are a few trips in the near past on a Catalian 22 1 2 night camping trip on a small local lake with 2 huge ribeyes and pasta a bottle of tequila bla bla bla.
I am taking to a good friend of my wife's who tells me of a friend of there's that is moving to Alaska and is selling their H16. This year, Santa brought me a 74 H14 in rough shape but still sailable.
Sam Sorrry for the length. no time to proof read forgive spelling and such.
Your rapper name has been, and always will be, Power Dave.
Gee Whiz "Power Dave" sounds like a DJ on an oldies radio station
"Power Dave" you make the call.
Dave, as far a Spring Fever goes, it looks like I will not be going. Gotta get Roxy ready to come home soon. I am also putting a new H16 together to race this season with my daughter.
Catch you soon
Re: Awesome Day
[Re: SunnyZ]
#71602 04/10/0611:18 AM04/10/0611:18 AM
I feel pretty confident saying EVERYONE knows more than I do at this point... Suppress wild giggle. sigh, it's a start!
Sunny, You've already learned the most important part - to have fun. Keep your sights on that and all the rest will follow (and if it doesn't - who cares?). I went through a phase when I had to sail well in order to have fun - and a lot of the time, I didn't accomplish either one. At some point though, I made a conscious decision to have fun and ignore my standings. Not only did I enjoy the sport much more, but my sailing improved as well.