Thanks for that and now I can feel the challenge becoming a worry! : ) If I can create a good photo of speed or a wreck I will post for sure. If it's a wreck I hope I can laugh as loud baout it as you will!
Thanks for the offer of a kite and I wil remember it. The decision of boat was budget and availableity and I have no possible crew here. In my mind the boat has been designed to hang up some giants in 5 to 12 knots. After that on a boat like this I will be in untested territory but mostly it will provide me with a great ride up to the Cavallies in the stunning sea breezes we get here.. While I LOVE heavy weather it has been in 80s style and quite agricultural boats so I am expecting to have some, shall we say, issues with the new speeds. Regarding a road trip.. My freind and sailing buddy here has a superb B&B on the sea. I would say room for four 18s........ We would love any contact with cat sailers but I can't race you until this thing is going as our other rides are Hydras... but if you needed a crew who was keen and willing to learn for the day....
The 4.9 is a strong boat, and the wings look like a lot of fun. A speed contest was just run on the San Fransico Bay--your winged 4.9 would be an awesome boat for such an event. Of course, high cartwheeling potential...but we've all taken our "lumps" in the name of speed. Good luck and post some fast GPS tracks whe you get them. Rgds,
Eric Poulsen A-class USA 203 Ultimate 20 Central California
I am hoping to lessen cartwheeling potential by adding dagger rudders and foils to them. People are saying this has a softening affect on hobie horsing and helps to stop the plunge of the nose. Yes, I am strengthening the sterns.. It is not my intention to run out and hit top speed first time out. I like to build up to things while looking for the trouble that might be arriving. Thanks for the good wishes.
I don't think your taipan will break easily, even with your current setup. The boat has held up extremely well even in big wind and big seas with two big guys beating the hell out of it. Anything will break at a certain point but with the Taipan this point is pretty far away.
Wouter Hijink Formula 16 NED 243 (one-off; homebuild) The Netherlands
No garantees but I don't think you are in as much risk as the others say. The way the wings are loaded doesn't seem to much. But then again only trying them out will have you be sure. I would try them personally, they don't look to dangerous to me.
Wouter Hijink Formula 16 NED 243 (one-off; homebuild) The Netherlands
Wouter, I know you take engineering seriously so I appreciate what you say. Like you say I have to suck the lolly to see what it tastes like. I have thought about the "weak and will break" ideas but do you know what?... if someone else had done it right I could just copy it.. that is why I have asked for help and insight. My major worry is the hinge section and this I will have beefed up. I will also set in more glass and resin in the bolt sections for the beams.
The only concern I would have is the rear beam bolts. With the extra torsional twist of your weight on the wings this could cause extra load that the boat was originally engineered. Plus you also have a taller mast. The inside rear beam bolt on the Taipans have been known to break (and very loudly too).
Yes, I had just posted I was going to boost it a little inside. I do perceve it as a risk. Sad to hear it has already happened..... mine is an early boat so I cannot imagine the manufacturer had mitigated the problem in any way... I will pay more attention after your advice.
I will not pretend I am not freaked out by crash off the wings. Yes.. I think lose footing, slide forward, stop myself with mainsheet, swing in, spin backwards over the wing and unable to gain footing or ease weight off wire etc. etc.... I have been told by those who have gone before me not to predict a future and concentrate on doing what I have in front of me well. : ) I am making the bullet, maybe I will get someone else to fire it. : )
Wow!.. is a fast cat a great thing to look at or what??!! Photo goes into my slideshow.... regards kites etc..they are a differrent medium and wonderful but I am invested in two hulls, that is in my heart. You have to admire the gonads on a person who tries to ride something that can blow him or her off the water and into the nearby appartment buildings though eh?
I've just been thinking about your boat. With regards to your A-cat Rig, the biggest concern is that it won't be able to handle the increased righting moment of your boat. This will manifest itself as a lack of strength in compression. With this in mind I'd recommend increasing the length of your spreaders. This will allow you to provide the same (or more) side support to the mast while reducing the amount of compression.
Height is in question after reading some of the posts here about A class engineering. I am thinking it is a natural consequence of shortening the mast to more like a Taipan that the sail will dump less air because of the hounds being closer to the head. The boat, remember has a much larger foot than an A, so sail area including jib is much greater meaning that power on a reach is still all there so long as I can get the slot right, close the leach and I get a gain in a lower centre of effort because of shorter rig. The Taipan is a one man ONE sail boat and I am using the wings to get considerably more power to weight than the two up version. As the spreaders are acutually a part of the mast I think a little shorter in the main might be the easiest solution. Again, I have to say I am no expert. I am a back yard bunny and if what I say is silly go for it and tell me. Your replies ARE influencing me and I will state what I have gained here and what you guys have changed.
Best thing to do is stand on them on the hard before going sailing. A few bounces would sort any discrepancies. If you end up on your butt you'll know they aren't strong enough as I suspect.
Re: wings
[Re: Berny]
#80859 07/29/0602:10 AM07/29/0602:10 AM
I have already hung off them, bounced on them (not VERY hard) and liftted the boat and trailer its tied to. The monkey in me was into that strait away.
I have NEVER stuffed the boat going to weather with new setup. Only had to feather a few times in 20+ winds. Here is current setup. Stuffed a few times downwind, but just slowed a bit and popped right out. Warbird it will be a HOOT when you get it worked out.