I've just bought a couple of windsurf toe straps to put on the back of my Blade. I'm planning to mount them on the rounded top edge of the boat (the gunwale?) so that they at about a 45 deg angle.
What sort of re-inforcement have people used when doing this?
I can see where Robi is coming from but I would be more inclined to pop down to your nearest DIY store and look for for thickest walled pipe which matches the internal radius of your decks. Cut this to desired length and chop in half along the length, then use smaller washers (12mm). This may help to spread the loads implied when you and your boat are about to go A.o.T (head over heels)
Re: Toe straps
[Re: Mark P]
#90964 12/01/0609:59 AM12/01/0609:59 AM
I'm planning on putting some on my Blade to next season. Since I'm not native English speaking, your explanation is somewhat difficult to me. Could you explain it in another way ?
Thanks, Gill
Re: Toe straps
[Re: Robi]
#90965 12/01/0610:58 AM12/01/0610:58 AM
I used big one inch to one and half inch stainless washers. I did not use the hardware that was included with the straps though.
I did what Robi did- I went and bought the largest washers possible and you can bend them into the form of your hull. I think the PVC would crack, but I see your point.
Re: Toe straps
[Re: PTP]
#90966 12/01/0611:17 AM12/01/0611:17 AM
Yes, some plastics would crack but a more alcathene based plastic used in gas and water pipes are very durable, the walls are also quite thick in order to prevent punctures!! Bending washers is also OK, use a big washer next to hull to start off with then a couple of small washers so the nut can really tighten up without snagging on the curvature of the first washer.
Hi Paul, I was in a B&Q Warehouse this week and they were selling Aluminium strips 1000mm long 50mm wide and 1mm thick it was approx £6.00. You could cut four lengths at approx 75-100mm long and bend this to the desired curve. Due to the increased length bending could be made easier and again you're increasing surface load area.
Re: Toe straps
[Re: Mark P]
#90970 12/01/0601:30 PM12/01/0601:30 PM
We have over here, poly risers that come in various lengths from probably 100mm to 750mm, and several diameters 12mm to 50mm. They are black, like the poly pipe used by farmers and the like, but these are less flexible - quite rigid. When you have a poly pipe in the ground, these rigid risers can be attached for taps/sprinklers etc..
Anyway thats just an idea, we've used here for all sorts of things, not just plumbing.
Matt Harper
Homebuilt Taipan 4.9
Where I come from, toe straps are another name for hiking straps. What you are refering to are called Frooties or Fruit Loops; named after the multicoloured sugary breakfast cereal with Toucan Sam on the box...skiffs tend to just use a bit of pre-stretch rope or 1/2" webbing threaded through a plastic tube. The ends are either tied off through the gunwale, or in our case they can be bolted onto the beam at one end and through the deck at the other. Using the beam at one end keeps the frooty from falling over which makes it easy to get the foot into it. I think there are photos in the forum already...somewhere.
I use the DaKine foot straps that or about $35 a set. The first ones lasted 6 years of use and outside storage. I think the outside storage is what killed them. I love them in heavy weather on my 17. Just use them for back foot for stability and in case of bow stuffing,