Come to Dynautic on tuesday 12:00 so you can meet me in person.
As if ... !
Tell me how to become a chairman and take my worries away.
You could have been part of the selection proces itself if you had replied to the general call for volunteers and a new chairman in september, oktober and november 2005. Hans and the others did. Since Hans has been accepted as chairman he has a full right to finish his term and as such you can't become chairman right now. This proces will be repeated in the future and then you can take a shot at it.
Mind you, the highest entity in the class right now is the Governing Council consisting of 3 persons of which Hand is only one. These three all sail different types of F16's and don't share any loyalties. That should be more then enough to take your worries away.
Mirjam, just as ananymous as the rest of the forum.
I have a feeling that I'm much less anonymous then you are, the same applies to the members of the Governing Council. It is not for us to show up at your doorstep (? Dynautic ?) but for you to identify yourself in public. Either that or not make any insinuations / accusations. Your choice.