Are you sure that the top of the mast is leaking and not the upper diamond T-terminal tangs holes ?
Only the tip of the mast was in the water--not even close to the diamonds where they enter the mast; also, when I took my mast down, John D (Blade sailor in SoCal) noticed water dripping out of the top.
Eric Poulsen A-class USA 203 Ultimate 20 Central California
Re: New mast plug
[Re: pdwarren]
#99340 02/20/0701:45 PM02/20/0701:45 PM
Nice repair Eric, and thanks for the demonstration of how to get and keep an F16 moving. This weekend SCYA series was a good learning experience for me. Sailed the Blade in 15-20kts wind, capsized, got it back up without assistance (except for the wind), and learned what the spinnaker pole does when subjected to a sudden heavy download. The download was caused when I stepped off the bow into much deeper water than I thought and grabbed the pole for support. <img src="" alt="" /> At least the racing was over for the weekend when it happened. <img src="" alt="" />
Re: New mast plug
[Re: JJD]
#99342 02/20/0710:18 PM02/20/0710:18 PM
The download was caused when I stepped off the bow into much deeper water than I thought and grabbed the pole for support. <img src="" alt="" /> At least the racing was over for the weekend when it happened. <img src="" alt="" />
I take it you bent or snapped the spi' pole?
USA 777
Re: New mast plug
[Re: tback]
#99344 02/22/0710:05 AM02/22/0710:05 AM
Snapped it. I'm digging around locally to see what I can come up with as a suitable replacement. Supplied Blade spinnker pole is 1.5" OD X .065 Wall Al tubing.
Re-posting previous thread on tubing
[Re: JJD]
#99345 02/22/0710:25 AM02/22/0710:25 AM
Try a Sunfish spar. If you live near a Sunfish fleet, find a Sunfish junkie and have them dig up a broken spar. They break at the 11 foot mark. I think they are exactly the dimensions you need. Even new they are only $80.
Try a Sunfish spar. If you live near a Sunfish fleet, find a Sunfish junkie and have them dig up a broken spar. They break at the 11 foot mark. I think they are exactly the dimensions you need. Even new they are only $80.
Ahm negative, a F16 spin pole specially with the newer cut spinnakers you want max spin pole length which is 12ft.
Re: Re-posting previous thread on tubing
[Re: Timbo]
#99350 02/23/0702:59 AM02/23/0702:59 AM
carbon windsurfer mast the only way to go, as found on "Altered". Cheap when second hand, light and strong <img src="" alt="" />.
Now I understand why you guys in the US are bending and snapping the poles so much more often then the other F16 sailors in the world. I think the standard elsewhere is 40x2 mm spi poles = 35% stiffer and stronger. However your US poles are lighter, so it is a "win-some, loose-some" trade-off.
Wouter Hijink Formula 16 NED 243 (one-off; homebuild) The Netherlands
Re: New mast plug
[Re: Wouter]
#99352 02/23/0711:15 AM02/23/0711:15 AM
Whats the percentage weight difference? or to put it another way do you wear a 2-3mm or 4-5mm wetsuit. In other words don't worry about a few grams just go for a reliable pole which doesn't snap. If you are that concerned about weight do as the Stealths do and go for Wouters favourite material CARBON FIBRE <img src="" alt="" />
Re: New mast plug
[Re: Robi]
#99353 02/23/0705:28 PM02/23/0705:28 PM
Ahm negative, a F16 spin pole specially with the newer cut spinnakers you want max spin pole length which is 12ft.
Class rules say 3500 mm or 11'6". Sunfish spar is 14 whole, breaks at 11-12 feet, usually from abrasion/corrosion at the gooseneck. Here's one in use...