1) I am just about to make some new trapeze wires, and I was wondering if there is any advantage in having either flexible or stiff wire?
2) The Mozzies I remember from my long-ago youth in Darwin were mostly varnished, and looked great. I would like to have a varnished Mozzie for old time's sake, even if it was old and slow. I was wondering if anyone knows of an old varnished Mozzie that needs a new home?
3) The National Mosquito Association has a register of all known Mozzies, with their sail numbers and owners listed. My boat (1434) is not on the register, and I would like to get it included. I have emailed the Association, but got no reply. How do I get my boat on the Register?
3) The National Mosquito Association has a register of all known Mozzies, with their sail numbers and owners listed. My boat (1434) is not on the register, and I would like to get it included. I have emailed the Association, but got no reply. How do I get my boat on the Register?
Thanks in advance.
I too have emailed the assocation with the updated he ownership of 1740 (which is allready on the registar), I also included some details of a previous mozzie "245 Stinga" that I owned (never been on the registar)..... neither has been changed or added...
I wonder how far out-dated the "registar" really is
Yar, & this ere post be done without a sin'le drop o' rum passin' me lips
Kingy started with Impara Cadet #3 / Mosquito #245 & now Mosquitos #1182 & #1740
who have you been emailing with the details? yes i think it is a little out of date but not that far. The more important register to make sure your on is the measured boat register as this is the one you will need to be on to sail at nationals.
you are free to email me with the details and i will get them onto the historic register for you. my email is [email protected]
cheers, Peter - National Sec.
"Sixth Element" 1782 MK2 w/spinnaker. Lake Bonney Y.C. National Sec. / S.A President / S.A Measurer / Commodore LBYC
I pass updates I receive on to someone else who looks after the spreadsheet. However I have not updated the one on the website for a long time, so I've just put up the March 2013 version (I've added the date at the top so we will know how long it is before it gets updated again!).
The only message we've received about 1434 is from FurrBall - "Greg on Jibe 1434 sailing around Grafton."
On the documents page the 2nd item is the Mosquito Boat History which is just a list of all the boats that we have heard of. Most of it will be out of date and many of those boats wouldn't even exist now. It's just history. The 6th item in that list of documents is the Measured Boat Register, which is a list of all the boats that are currently know to be measured. If you want to do a state or national titles you need to get your boat on this list.
For trapeze wires, many people are now changing to dyneema instead of wire. PLUS - easier to set up, cheaper, lighter MINUS - can cut through or chafe
....is just a list of all the boats that we have heard of. Most of it will be out of date and many of those boats wouldn't even exist now. It's just history.
Thats the beautifull thing about history...... you just never know when to expect the un-expected
Lake Bolac Easter regatta...... 2013
There's a lot more out there ....... lurking
#245 was my last mosquito, sold to a guy from the Stawell area back in the early 90's, although I'm still trying to find it the trails has slowed to a crawl but little snippets keep hinting its still "alive".....
one day when I least expect it......
Yar, & this ere post be done without a sin'le drop o' rum passin' me lips
Kingy started with Impara Cadet #3 / Mosquito #245 & now Mosquitos #1182 & #1740
1) The Mozzies I remember from my long-ago youth in Darwin were mostly varnished, and looked great. I would like to have a varnished Mozzie for old time's sake, even if it was old and slow. I was wondering if anyone knows of an old varnished Mozzie that needs a new home?
You mean like these Mozzys
Jeff Southall Current boats Nacra 5.8 1703 Animal Scanning Services Nacra 5.8 1667 Ram Raider Nacra 18 Square Arrow 1576
Re: Multiple Mozzie Questions
[Re: Greg/Debra]
#274543 08/09/1404:16 AM08/09/1404:16 AM
I just caught up with this... (bit slow) Yeah, that's what I was talking about. Don't they look beautiful? And for me they remind me of my long ago youth in Darwin.
I wanna get one that looks like that at sail it at the Nats.