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Please Print out the following form and mail to: Robert Earl Blackington, NAMSA Treasurer,
7131 Sand Crest View, Colorado Springs, CO 80918 (Note: For an Application for an Individual Membership, Click Here!)

NAMSA Chapter Membership Application

Name of your organization (give initials or acronym, if applicable, as well as the full name written out)

Specific local area or countries that you serve_____________________________________________________________________

NAMSA Liaison (person to whom all NAMSA-related information should be addressed)
City, State/Province, Zip code_____________________________________________________________________________
Home Phone_________________________Work Phone_________________________Cell Phone_______________________
Fax_________________E-Mail Address_____________________________Website__________________________________

Number of members in your organization_________

Chapter dues ($50)___________________
(Make check payable to NAMSA and send with this form)

Type of Organization
____Class Association
____Hobie Fleet
____Multihull Fleet or Club (open to all beach-cat classes)
____Other type of fleet (please specify)________________________________________________________________________
____Multihull Association for bigger multihulls
____Other type of organization (please specify)___________________________________________________________________

If yours is an umbrella organization for more than one fleet or class association, what groups do you cover?

What types and classes of boats are in your organization?___________________________________________________________

Do you have a newsletter?______What is it called?_______________________________________________________________
How often does it come out?________________________________________________________________________________
Is it by e-mail or by snail-mail or combination of the two?_________________________________________________________

What are the interests of your multihull group? Please rate them in order of priority with "1" being most important.
____Recreational fun daysailing

Do you currently host/organize any annual events?_____ Which ones?_______________________________________________

What types of boats are invited to your event(s)?_________________________________________________________________
What are the primary, specific locations where your local group sails and hosts regattas on a regular basis?____________________

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