Please print out the application below and send it to: Catamaran Sailor, PO Box 372060, Key Largo, FL 33037. For more info call 305-451-3287, email [email protected]
(There boats for charter/sale. For info contact [email protected])
Entry Form Annual Hobie Wave Nationals
Address_______________________________City, State, Zip_____________________________
Work Tel________________Home Tel____________________Fax________________________
Email address___________________________________________________________________
Sex (m or f)_____________________Age____________________Bow #___________________
Entry Fee: $165
[ ] Check Enclosed, payable to Catamaran Sailor
[ ] Please Use My Credit Card (Visa/MC/Disc/Amex) #________________________Exp________
Please accept this Entry Application for the Hobie Wave
Nationals at Key Largo, Florida. I hereby agree to comply with the Racing Rules
of Sailing, Class Rules, the Notice of Race and the Sailing Instructions. I
acknowledge that I am entering this Regatta at my own risk and do hereby release
and hold harmless the Regatta, IWCA, NAHCA, theOrganizing Committee, sponsors,
as well as their officers, members and agents, both jointly and severally,
from any liability for any loss, injury or damage to any persons and/or property
that might arise from my participation in this Regatta, even if such loss,
injury or damage be caused by the negligence of those so released and held
Boat Charter Application
[ ] Bringing my own boat, or chartering from someone I know
[ ] I wish to arrange for a Charter/Purchase boat
Address_______________________________City, State, Zip_____________________________
Work Tel________________Home Tel____________________Fax________________________
Email address___________________________________________________________________
Note: A $100 damage deposit may be required at registration