Welcome to
Catamaran Sailor Magazine's
2008 Triple
Crown Championship of Distance Racing for Beach Cats
[Miami-KL Info] [Hogsbreath-Keys
100] [Mug Race]
- Apr 12 -- The Miami-Key Largo Race, (45 miles: Miami to Key
Largo) Miami YC, Miami, FL 305-377-9877
- Apr 26-27 -- The Hogsbreath-Keys 100 (100 miles: Key Largo
to Key West), Hogsbreath Saloon/Beer, Calvert Sails, Catamaran Sailor
Magazine, & www.onlinemarinestore.com, 305-664-8056, [email protected]
- May 3 -- The Mug Race, 48 miles: Palatka to Jacksonville),
Jacksonville Rudder Club, Jacksonville, FL 904-264-4094
This is an automatic sequence of events that have been ongoing for
years. Both the Miami-Key Largo Race and the Mug
Race have been around for decades. The new kid on the block
of events is the Hogsbreath-Keys 100, now entering
its 7th year.
The natural flow of the events takes you from Miami to Key Largo on one weekend, then from Key Largo to Key
West on the next weekend, and then back up to Jacksonville (great if you are from the north and heading home with
your boat).
It all starts in Biscayne Bay in Miami, Florida. From there you go south in winds that are usually a double-trap
reach to the mouth of Jewfish Creek in Key Largo, FL. The distance is around 45 miles.
Miami Yacht Club sponsors the event and puts one a huge bash at the end of the day.
Key Largo has numerous hotel/motel locations at fairly reasonable prices.
Also, there are a number of places you can leave your boat, go back
home to work, and then return in time to race the second part of the
series -- the Hogsbreath-Keys 100.
The Hogsbreath-Keys 100 is a 2-day event, starting on the Bay Side of Key
Largo, FL and finishing on the Ocean Side of Marathon at Sombrero Beach
on the first day. There will be a big party and dinner on Saturday Night.
The race commences on Sunday AM and finishes at Smathers Beach in Key
West, FL. Both legs are usually sleigh rides in the steady Tradewinds
of around 10-15 + mph. Awards thereafter at the Hogsbreath Saloon in
Key West.
The Mug Race begins in Palatka, Florida and is around 48 miles down the St. Johns River to the home of the Sponsoring
Club, The Jacksonville Rudder Club, in Jacksonville, FL. Winds can be heavy and fluky or light and fluky, but one
thing you can count on is they will be fluky -- great for you lake sailors. Not to be outdone, the Rudder Club
puts on a big party with lots of food and drinks.
Triple Crown Championship Rules/Information/Sailing
- For beach catamarans 22' or smaller.
- Rating System will be based on US Sailing Portsmouth DPN numbers,
although modifications for weight and for distance spinnaker/reacher
will not be used, and Triple Crown management may modify those numbers
and apply its own DPN number which may be used for the subsequent
- In order to qualify for the Triple Crown, the same boat must be
used; and the same skipper and crew must be on the boat for all three
events: The Miami-Key Largo Race, The Hogsbreath-Keys 100, and The
Mug Race.
Miami-Key Largo Information:
Combine an "old west gold rush" and I-95 at rush hour with
hundreds of boats of all shapes and sizes and you have the 44th Annual
Miami to Key Largo Sailing Regatta! Trim your sails and point your
bows for this "rites of spring" tradition, as the Miami
Yacht Club kicks off this fun and exciting sailing race on Saturday
April 23rdth, 8AM Sharp!
This is the regatta that is literally for everyone! If you've never
raced before or if your're a seasoned "old salt" now's the
time to shake your sails out and clean your bottom. Any sailboat 14
feet or larger is welcome. Whether you sail a production boat or an
experimental craft, there is a class and competition for everyone.
Bill Roberts holds the race record set in 1990 in a custom-built RC-27
of his own design. Race time, one hour and 44 minutes! That's a 26-knot
average over the 43-mile course. To average 26 knots, you have to
sail over 30 knots most of the time!
Over 250 boats uisually enter for one of the largest single race
starts in South Florida! Last year's field included over 1,000 crew
members including Sailing Champions "going for the gold"
to families, kids and even the family pet. The race begins just south
of Rickenbacker Causeway at 8AM and ends at the north mouth of Jewfish
Creek. You can sail any course you like. Short cuts through Midnight
Pass are legal but not suggested unless you'd like to test your luck
in 1/2-foot of water and fluky winds.
Once in Key Largo, there will be a food fair at the Gilbert's Family
Paradise Island at the Jewfish Creek Bridge with a cash bar, live
band, party and raffle.
The Awards Cermony will be held the following Friday, April 29th,
at the Miami YC starting at 6PM with a BBQ and live band with the
Awards Presentation at 7:30 PM. Trophies are three deep in each class.
Miami YC., 1001 MacArthur Causeway, Miami, FL 33132
FOR MORE INFORMATION call Miami YC at 305-377-9877 during
business hours Tuesday through Saturday. Entry forms can be picked
up at the Miami YC.
Hogsbreath-Keys 100 Rules/Information/Sailing
For registration You can now register on line then
print out the form and fax (305-453-0255) or mail to:
Rick White
PO Box 2060, Key Largo, FL 33037,
You will still need to attend the Skipper's Meeting/Beer Bust and do
final registration Friday, pay the fees, sign the waivers, etc., Apr
29, 6-9PM at Rick White's and Mary Wells' house in Key Largo, FL. Directions:
Going south on US1 (about MM105), take a right at second street past
Winn-Dixie (Paradise Ln.) and we are the 2nd house on the right (corner
house -- park on street) around the corner
- There are no chase boats, so please be prepared to fend for yourself.
- ¨You will be rewarded for assisting a boat in trouble (keep
track of your time in doing so).
- ¨You may paddle at anytime. Boats with auxiliary power may use
their engines to safely navigate a difficult channel, but it may not
serve to better your position.
- There will be a beer party and registration between 6PM and 9PM
and a skippers meeting at 9PM on Friday night at Rick�s home (see
directions above). Feel free to ask questions of veteran sailors about
the course.
- To attempt this race, you must be competent, able sailors, knowing
how to do such things as:
- Right your own boat for beach cats
- Read navigational charts
- Read the water color for shoals
- Anchor your boat in case of a peril of any kind
- Ride out squalls and storms
- All sailors must wear an approved PFD, and all boats must have
PFDs on their boat, have all USCG safety equipment aboard, a waterproof
chart, waterproof flashlight, legal lighting, and adequate anchor
and line.
- Suggested equipment: EPIRB, waterproof VHF Radio, waterproof
GPS, a cell phone in waterproof bag, a whistle and/or strobe attached
to your PFD.
- ¨Both skipper and crews must write the emergency telephone
number on their arm (waterproof pens will be available) -- 305-451-3287(Rick's
Home) or 305-619-1922(Rick's Cell)) -- these are telephones that
will be manned all the time. If you are retiring from the race
or broken down, you must call this number right away. Otherwise,
we might be sending the USCG after you. Should no one answer,
there is a message machine where you can leave a message.
- Don't forget to take essentials like water, sunblock, and food
- Plan on leaving the beach in Blackwater Sound on Saturday no later
than 0800 sharp! Keep in mind that First Warning Sound will
be at 0950. Ground crews should help not only your own boat into the
water, but others as well. If we all pitch in and help get the boats
to the water, it will take only minutes to get all the boats on their
merry way. If you do not make it to the rendevouz area on time to
get a tow with the group, you are on your own.
- On the first day, the course starts between two small groups of
orange marks located near ICW Flashing Red mark #54 in Buttonwood
Sound. The course goes southwesterly down the ICW, exiting to Hawk
Channel through the Channel 5 Bridge. There are no marks on the course.
The Finish for the first day will be announced at Skipper Meeting
on Friday Night.
- There will be another Skipper�s Meeting, Keg Party, and DinnerBanquet
on Saturday Evening.
- On the second day, the multihulls� warning flag will be at 0850.
From there the course goes WSW down Hawk�s Channel to finish at Key
West. There are no required marks from Marathon to Key West either.
The Finish Line in Key West will be announced at the Skippers Meeting.
WARNING: Boats should make sure they get either a flag or horn
as they cross the line.
- The White (Yellow) Warning Flag will go up at 10 minutes prior to
the start, the Blue Preparatory Flag will go up at 5 minutes, and
the Red Start Flag will go up for the start. All flags will be lowered
1 minute prior to the raising of the next. For convenience only, the
starter person will attempt to get your attention by blowing a horn
or whistle several times in succession, or use a bullhorn siren, prior
to starting the sequence.
- Do NOT be over early at the start!!
- If anyone is over early, the individual recall flag will be flown
for four minutes or until the over-early boats have exonerated themselves
by restarting, whichever comes first. Over-early boats will NOT
be notified. If a boat is over early and does not re-start, that boat
will be assessed a 10% time penalty for the day. If there is a general
recall, the general recall flag will be flown, the clock will continue
to run, and the fleet will restart exactly five minutes later.
- US Sailing D-PN numbers and mandatory modifications will apply for
the entire race, and all sails and modifications must be claimed by
registration time on Friday evening. The modified D-PN number will
apply regardless of whether or not the additional sails and rigging
are carried on the boat. Modifications for crew weight and for distance
race use of spinnaker/reachers will not be used.
Motels in Key Largo:
- -Neptunes Hideaway, 104180 Overseas Highway, Key Largo, FL 33037
(305) 451 0357
- Kelly's Motel, 104220 Overseas Hwy, Key Largo, FL 33037 (305)451
- -Family Paradise Island Resort, (Possible boat storage between events),
107000 Overseas Hwy. Key Largo, Fl 33037 (305) 451 1133
- -Amoray Dive Resort, 104240 Overseas Highway, Key Largo, FL 33037
(305) 451 3595
Other Key Largo Launch Sites:
- Gilberts Family Paradise Island Resort
- Rowells Marina
First Stop: Saturday Night
The party is at Sombrero
Resort and they are giving us discount rates even in high season,
so call early for room reservations 305-743-2250 (WARNING:
They usually are running the 7-mile bridge run on the same weekend
so rooms are going to be hard to get. Call early for reservations.)
There are Motels & Marinas at first stop:
- Anchor Light Motel... Mile Marker 53... (305) 743-7397
- Blue Water�s Resort... Mile Marker 48.5... (305) 743-4832
- Banana Bay... 4590 Overseas Highway... (305) 743-3500
- Gulf View Motel... Mile Marker 58.5... (305) 743-8629
- Hampton Inn... (305) 743-9009
- Hidden Harbor... Mile Marker 48.5... (305) 743-5376
- Hopp-Inn Guest House... 500 Sombrero Beach Road... (305) 743-4993
- Overseas Motel... Mile Marker 49... (305) 743-6843
- Sand Piper Motel... Mile Marker 48.6... (305) 743-2244
- Sea Dell Motel... Mile Marker 50... (305) 743-5161
- Sea Shell Resort... Mile Marker 57.5... (305) 289-0265
- Seahorse... 7196 Overseas Highway... (305) 743-6571
- Seascape... 1075 E 75th Street Ocean... (305) 743-6455
- Siesta Motel... 7425 Overseas Highway... (305) 743-5671
- Wellesley Inn... Mile Marker 54... (305) 743-8550
- White Sands... 57622 Overseas Highway... (305) 743-5285
- Yardarm Motel... 6200 Overseas Highway... (305) 743-2541
- There is good anchorage for larger boats in Boot Key Harbor.
- Sombrero Resort (305-743-2250),
- Faro Blanco Oceanside (305-743-9018)
- Camping at Knights Key Park and Marina (has ramp) (800 348-4343)
Beach cats can be wheeled out on East end of the beach at Sombrero
Beach. The space that we are allowed to use is l imited to the East
side of the beach. We ask that the first boats in pulol up as far
as possible and park as tight and tidy as possible. "BOATS
ARE NOT ALLOWED IN THE SWIMMING AREA." The county is very strict
on this, and breaking this rule could prevent future use of this
location (the only feasible location for this event).The beach will
be guarded.
Motel at Key West
- *South Wind, Simonton St 296 2215
- *Harbor Side, Eisenhower Blvd, 294 2180
- *Spindrft, Simonton, 296 3432
- *South Beach, Duval St., 296 5611
- *Hampton Inn., Roosevelt 294 2917
- *Sheraton, Roosevelt , 292 9800
- *Key-Wester, Roosevelt, 296 5671
- *Econolodge, Roosevelt,294 5511
- *Ramada, Roosevelt, 295 5541
- *Best Western Roosevelt, 296 3500Parts,
Equipment and Gear:
- Calvert Sails -- has line, sail repairs, sail numbers, etc 305-664-8056
- West Marine is located in the Pink Plaza just past Marvin Adams
Waterway Cut. They are open 0800 to 2000 every day, except Sunday,
and then from 0900 to 1700.
FOR EMEGENCY OR DROP-OUTS ARE: Rick's Cell (305) 619-1922, MARY (305)
CELL PHONE NUMBERS at Registration on Friday Night.
- www.onlinemarinestore.com
- Calvert Sails
- Hogsbreath Saloon/Beer in Key West
- Catamaran Sailor Magazine
- www.catsailor.com
Annual Mug Race Rules/Information/Sailing
Instructions (Soon to be posted)
Eligibility and Entry
- Boats with mast heights under 44 only are eligible
- Entrants will be divided into the following categories
- Multihulls
- One-design classes (a min of 5 boats)
- Open (Portsmouth scoring)
- spinnaker
- non-spinnaker
Schedule of Events:
- Friday, May 2
- Late Registration, Holiday Inn, Palatka 1600-1730, 1800-2200
- Mandatory Check in, Holiday Inn 1800-2200
- Saturday, May 3
- Skipper meeting at Riverfront Amphitheater 0730
- Warning Signal for start of first fleet, (multihulls) 0850
- Start at line north of Palatka Bridge and sail north to mark "A"
located west side of river approximately 1/4 mile south of Buckman
bridge. Round mark to starboard and proceeed to finish line located
east side of river approximately 1/4 mile south of Buckman Bridge.
Advance Registration
Racing area
- The racing area will be in the St Johns River as depicted on NOAA
Chart 11492 between the Palatka Bridge to the south and the Buckman
Bridge to teh north.
For Further Information
Chuck Youngerman
Rudder Club of Jacksonville, Inc.
8533 Malaga Ave
Orange Park, FL 32073
904-264-4094 (Rudder Club)
email [email protected]