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Welcome to the NAMSA Website

Dear Multihull Sailor,
We would like to invite your organization to join NAMSA (North American Multihull Sailing Association) -- and here is why:

Those are some of the reasons why NAMSA has been reincarnated (it was started in about 1960 and died in the mid 1980's). NAMSA's new goals for a new time are:

NAMSA already has enthusiastic Board and Committees working on various aspects of the organization. Now all we need is members. The only way to make this work is to get as many multihull organizations, fleets and classes as possible to join NAMSA and, in so doing, also make every individual sailor who belongs to those organizations a full member of NAMSA. For full details about the membership program, along with summaries of the kinds of projects that NAMSA are undertaking on behalf of multihulls (Click Here!), and answers to most Frequently Asked Questions.(Click Here)

We, the board of NAMSA, sincerely hope that you will join in this important project to unify the multihull world. Cliches are also truisms that say it best: "There is strength in numbers," and, "United we stand, divided we fall."
Thank you from the entire Board,
Rick White, President
PO Box 2060, Key Largo, FL 33037
tel 305-451-3287, fax 305-453-0255
[email protected]