Let's be clear here. The second time she was caught driving her car without a licence she was doing 73 miles an hour in a 35 zone.
In this country that would be over twice the limit in a suburban or city street and imediate loss of liceneceeeexcept she had already lost her licenence and already been caught floughting the law and warned not to drive. She was caught for two things at this time. Speeding AND not having a licence.
So, she has wrecklessly endagered other peoples lives twice while ignoring societies attempts to moderate her behaviour.
What irks many less financial people is that she could easily afford a driver.
It is the citezenry that is at risk from drunks and speeders and if little miss spoilt pants does not want to be gently pointed in the right direction then slap her in the side of the head to get her attention and tell her again.
I hear she has now found God. Lawyers are such creeps.