Hi Mark
Happy to see your interest ,-but understood distance racing like this one is ,--"not your cup of tea " ---just curious if you are considering the Tybee 500 ,---
Ocean races like this are a great experience for any ,-highly recommend it ,--
It of course offers the partisipant the experience and knowledge unique to this type of event , which is always somewhat helpfull if they wish to understand the nature and concerns of partisipants in this type of ocean racing distance event ,--very different from buoys triangle racing .
Boat prep is priority , especially when you realize your life may depend on it being set up properly ,-it is a very different mindset .
Again ,-your reference in your post is to "your formula " and would good naturedly remind again that it is not mine but is a direvitive of Formula 20 adopted to N A , based on existing designs available here . Please just refer to it as the N A Formula 20 class ,----thanks very much
and again being near Holloween would remind :--again good naturedly ' ---to paraphrase Dr Frackenstein in the spirit of the season ,---IT IS ALIVE !!!!! ,---
DESPITE -someone numerous times pronouncing it dead , who shall remain nameless , but just refered to in the future as a mob of ignorant ,-superstitious ,-mindless village folk with torches ready , again in the spirit of the season and story line .
-As per rules 270 sq ft spin ,--and 300 sq ft spin ,--sizes are set for boat weights of 376 to 410 lb,---and 410 and above respectively to equalize boat weight differences of existing designs in the 20 ft 8.5 beam N A Formula 20 catagory .
{see how easy the N A Formula thing is } ---
As many know these large powerfull boats often favor heavier teams with their large sail areas ,--thus no fat boy type rule is needed ,-or crew weight consideration . Av crew weight is 360 , many race competitively at 400 lb crew weights , again often needed on these very powerfull cat designs particularly in ocean racing conditions.
Also per rules -Older Existing class regulated boats may recieve dispensation to race as they are. We need to confir with several knowledgable sailors with extensive time on both types of existing versions .Would seek the opinion of Rick , Steve and Kenny ,-Randy ,-Matt ,-and a number of Worrell teams ,again that have direct experience and numerous miles on these cat designs, The concept is to keep existing older designs equally competitive in the class.
Having been a part of racing way back when in the Worrell ,-seeing mods to 10 foot racks ,--40 ft wing masts ,-12 ft beams plus ,-planning hulls ,--giant chutes ,-all the rest , can assure you P-rating is not up to the task of regulating this type of race , if this is still your "mission statement " and agenda .
Be happy to talk to you directly about it , my experiences and why Formula is the ideal format for this type of racing .
Have fun -
Sail safe -
Happy Holloween ---
IT IS ALIVE !!!!!!
side note ,--my favorite version of the movie is with Gene Wilder and Marty Feldman ,--that,s Fruankensteen -
puttun on the ritz ! musical number ,----hope its on soon !