The 300sft. spinnaker won't work on the 6.0( too small, too slow). I have been sailing against the 6.0's with the 350sft "new england" spinnaker. As of now they have not been a match for the I20. We sailing two weekend race together. We have raced in light air and heavy air. Not much medium stuff. We have sailed 13 races against each other this year. So far the score is I20 11 wins- 6.0 2.wins. Some of that may be to the 6.0's not sailing the cans with chutes very much, although it was against the 6.0 national champ. We need more data on this. I hope they will sail with us more next year. I would say the the end pole snuffer system they are using is not the best set up. It is so low that if the waves are 3'+ the suffer will drag upwind. I think they are going to have to go with the mid pole setup.