Sailboat racing generally is an untapped resource for corporate exposure.

The continuation of sailing as an Olympic event is highly dependent on it being made a suitable spectator sport and a vehicle for advertising.
Unlike most sports, [Football, Baseball Cricket etc.,] not only are there shirts for advertising, we have a very large canvas billboard in the sail.

Presently, sailing is not popular with the general public. It's lack of appeal is mainly due to it being conducted in a geographic location which is not spectator friendly. This means that television coverage is absolutely critical to the success of sailboat racing as a spectator sport, probably more so than for any other sport, yet TV coverage of sailing is possibly the poorest of any sport.
To encourage the general public to adopt sailboat racing as a spectator sport, good television coverage is necessary, but although sailing is a difficult sport to televise, there has been very little development in method and technology to take advantage of it's untapped potential.
TV coverage of sailing is mostly done by 'general' sports produces, directors and commentators' who often know very little if anything about sailing. This generally results in an inferior product which, although being of some interest to sailors, it has little appeal or entertainment value for the general public. Put simply, there are not many if any directors and/or commentators who can produce a product to give an accurate, comprehensible and interesting account of a sailboat race for Mr. Joe average. This means that although a sail is a great canvas for advertising, sponsors are not keen to put money into sailing in general because the sport lacks exposure.

We desperately need good, well trained directors and commentators as well as some specific development in image capturing technology for the sport. With so many Television broadcasters worldwide looking for content, it should be a gold mine.

We now have the opportunity to develop catamaran sailing as a great sport for spectators and sponsors and a very lucrative investment opportunity for entrepreneurs.
What we have to do is develop a way to televise it, then produce it sensibly, with good direction, and commentary [NOT the Rob Mundle method], in a way which is palatable to the general public.
We could lead the way here and then the IOC and the ISAF would beg us to let them use us.
Difficult but not impossible.

We are too self involved. We need to look for ways to be a part of our communities as a whole.

This is a good place to start.
