
to the ISAF
The integrity and future of the ISAF are at stake here. The was a time when narrow self-interest could assert itself, but not now. There is no valid interest served by your decision to remove the multihull from the Olympic classes, nor the inclusion of a women's match-racing keelboat over a modern high-performance single-hander.

All the stated aims of the ISAF and of modern Olympic sailing are ignored by your decision and all those who perpetrated it left open to public contempt. Is this the legacy to the sport that you wish to be remembered by. Go back to square one, re-open the debate, and make a decision that serves world-wide interests, not narrow ones.
David Ingram - auckland - New Zealand

Voting out the fastest class in the Olympics is a giant leap backwards in the sport of sailing... sailing needs to be promoting the high performance disciplines (Windsurf, Skiff, Catamaran, Foiling) to the Olympics as these are the classes that communicate athleticism and excitement to future participants, media and public.

Wake up ISAF!!! The future of yachting is not the slowest boats available....The future is young people, not you and your archaic attitude.


We want exciting boats to watch

What an insane decision, to remove one of the only exciting olympic classes and one of the more modern catagories. Put the multihulls back in and remove one of the mens double handers, preferably the 470, what hope with the dropping of high performance for match racing not good for spectaters

Young people need something to aspire to; the T provides the only cat at the Olympics. Please keep the variety of craft as wide as we can at these show case events.


From: André Raoult

As president of the Oceania Sailing Federation (OSAF) I have been much disapointed by the ISAF concil decision to drop off the multihulls from the Olympic series ! More : looking at the votes the group L New Zealand sailing association representative(Mr Joe Butterfield) voted against multihulls as the Australian (David Tillett) voted for ...As I know none of the Group 'L' countries were informed of the decision made by their representatives ...


For a further five pages of NZ comment see: Crew.org