I belonged to a "Yacht Club" for about seven years. I left my SC20 on the beach and was charged the same as a slip. When my boat was damaged by someone moving a trailer; I complained to the management and was blown off. When I filed charges with the police; all the non-member "guest boats" left the beach. When there were about 30-40 boats on the beach before the complaint and after there were about SIX; it became clear that the damage was done by some "guest boat" and there was nothing that would be done. So I was out about $2800 for repairs. Not to mention the "guests" playing on my tramp. When I called every sailor with a boat on the beach not one had a "guest boat" there.
When I filled out an entry form to race on the Fourth of July it was lost and when I was informed the entry time had passed??? No racing for a cat in an open to all comers event...
I keep my boats at a marina. They understand they are in business warehousing boats.
F25c 009 Charisma
ARC22 2234 Widowmaker
FMS SC20 57