Guess I will just ask another question off my original post.
What about families? I know that when people start having children, they tend to leave the beach scene because wives/mothers don't want to spend the whole day on a beach with two or three young children, dealing with sometimes primitive (or nonexistent) restroom facilities, having to provide shade to somehow keep the children protected from the sun, maybe having to deal with rain and wind and/or cold conditions, prepare food out of a cooler, while the husband/father is out sailing. My feeling is that during those years when you have young children, a club with facilities offers amenities that will make it more fun and comfortable for the rest of the family that are on shore while the men are out sailing.

And, of course, it is important to belong to a club that has a junior sailing program so the children can get involved at an early age.

A club gets your children involved with other children who sail, and that is the key. I know from personal experience, because my sister and I are still sailing, and I can guarantee you that all the other kids we knew from the yacht club we belonged to are still sailing, unless they are dead.

It seems like most of the posts on this thread are about me, me, me, and do not mention family.

Mary A. Wells