Hi Mary

There have been some good sci fi --{science fiction } --- "---"stories written on time travel where people in the future speaking the same language can not be understood because they speak at a highly accelerated and abbrieviated rate ,yet in a very direct simpliefied way.--
Seems like we are definately headed in that direction ,-numerous new examples in everyday life we all continuously accept as common language .

off subject rant follows here --sorry ->
-We would as a nation and a global community be wise to first as Shakespear suggested a few centuries ago --kill the lawyers ,-then all sleazy polititians with their false political ads and constant misdirected lies . -dictators that assume power by the same means in a larger sence,manipulating media , and powerfull media themselves that become so politically bias or controlled by factions that they no longer present truth or fact ,-just yellow journalism and editorial bias slant ,--presenting that as factual reporting .
We understand the danger of it when reading exerps from Al Jazera with Osama,s statement and views presented only , Or conversely our media reporting what seems to be a systematic extermination of native people in Israel to aquire land now presented by media here and reported and labeled with the lattest catchwords-{ potential terrorists } as an excuse to use U S supplied F-15 fighterjets -and tanks to do so ,-then bulldoze their homes .
A spoiled Saudi multimillionare brat playing international terrorist manipulating religious zealots , or U S media presenting 95 % OF ONE SIDE of the issue .
The dangers are now clear ,-terrorist attack to provoke and escalate responce , further insighting the other side to respond , Sadam's game plan now becomes to further insight neighboring countries with media , or direct missle or bio attack or invasion as shown previously ,--potential nuclear or bio attack can potentially result from this ---the hipocracy of both sides ,UNLESS -more inteligent people see through it ,-seek truth ,-fact ,-and take action to avoid the potential loss of many more millions in the next world war .
Once one side or the other can successfully label the other as hated enemy in so many catch phrases and words and sell that in so many misdirected misrepresented means that language presently helps allow we are doomed to repeat world history , just different players in different roles ,again as Shakespear noted centuries earlier .
end rant ,-

Moreso as we see in everyday life our use of new abbrev .terms and in the future people taking a subject that may take several paragraphs and sentences and conveying the context meaning and concept in half the time using abbrev. and direct simplified meaning .
-Though potentially very confusing if your crossing subject ,-cultures ,-vocational language ,--or street talk -slang ,--for instance -
IMHO could easily be misconstrued on the street to -IMaHO --- joking again ,--
-Place me in a medical or hospital situation and I,ve no idea of what is being said ,--having never been a patient or direct contact with medical training beyond CPR --there's another one ! -
The construction industry has its own language and abbrev . terms to go with it , design occupation ,--as does naval architecture ,-a hobby ,-
We see used often on catsailor abbrev. like C E -meaning Center of Effort of the sailplan ,--CLR center of lateral resistence ,-meaning center of underwater side area profile including rudders and boards .
L-is length --LOA -is length over all ,-LWL is length water line ,--B -beam -and through the list -
a good reference source is the ISAF rating diagram for small cats --

Seems the global economy ,-move towards commonly shared language , readily available world travel --age of internet ,-and instant communication ,-space exploration and potential discovery of new worlds ,-all these aspects bring hope for a better future .
Maybe someday we can evan agree on a commonly shared international rating system for catamarans
-Sailing on the worlds oceans ,being a commonly shared international sport , viewed and practised in that context does help make the world a little better place .

Sail safe
have fun