<<<So, while I appreciate your point and understand your perspective, I have come to feel differently - the Olympic issue has become a part of the mandatory membership issue, all of which relates to a concern about how USSA is currently functioning.>>>

OK, I see that now, coming from you as an insider. It just seemed like beating a dead horse when there are other horses that need to be ridden.

<<<In the last MHC conference call, we adopted the position that we would not support mandatory membership until additional incentives were developed to replace what we feel are eroded benefits. We recognized that, as irrational as it might be, giving someone some stickers and a free magazine with their membership card made them happy to join.>>>

Freebees do sweeten the pot, especially with casual folks who may feel intimidated to even be there. Never discount the feeling of acceptance when a newbee can put a sticker on his boat or truck that shows he belongs. It may be the only thing that makes him feel good after he gets his butt handed to him on the water. It reminds him he needs to read up and practice and look forward to coming back with better skills. When the magazine arrives in the mail, he is reminded again.

<<<I told Jim Capron that the Board should consider adding back in some simple, tangible stuff for a couple of years and phase in mandatory membership at a time when morale is a little higher.>>>

Makes perfect sense. You are saying then... that there is rank and file discontent beyond the multihull specific issues?

I think my main point still would be to work within the existing structure, whatever that is now. I have just come back to sailing after 25 years of wandering in the vast confusion of race cars and sanctioning bodies. You think sailors have problems?

Count on me to help and offer opinions, whatever they may be worth.

BTW, I noticed my old friend Stan Betts has a position at USS. Do you know him? What side of this would he be on?

Jack Woehrle

Jack Woehrle
Hobie Wave #100, Tiger Shark III
HCA-NA 5022-1
USSailing 654799E
Alachua FL/Put-In-Bay