
You are semi correct .... That picture is from Triple Threat's **** on the last leg, a beat up the Tred Avon River w/ Don Sievert still leading Zaraffa ...( Zaraffa had pounced on us !!!) ... Don is approximent 1/4m from the line w/ Zaraffa 1/2m .... Donnybrook and Kirby had battled to the Finish Line w/ Kirby leading then Kirby's rudder's popping up on the last tack and Donnybrook crossing in front by INCHES!!!!

I was speaking to Donnybrook's navigater after the "Solomon's Race" in Mid July ... you could tell he considered the "beach catters" as tough fellow competors .... equals .... and had enjoyed the battle: win, lose, or draw

So Donnybrook recieved "Line Honors" but since the "Beach Cats started 10 mins AFTER the A0 boats ... Kirby actually had the fastest time and set a new course record!!!!

Zaraffa started 5 mins before us and finished 4 mins in front so we had a faster elapsed time then Zaraffa by 1 min!!!!

In that pic did you notice something???? ..... That's a mast rotator arm you see in the forground .... Triple Threat carries a +60ft Carbon Fiber Rotatable Mast!!!!

For the NASS Race this year we'll have a NEW JIB and better crew then last year ( more Beach Catters) w/ more sailing time on the boat!!!
