Now we got troubles... New Rule!

54th Annual NASS Race to Oxford
Amendment #1 to Notice of Race/GSI Amendment
New Section:
Equipment: Canting keels are allowed for PHRF boats competing in this race if part of the original design
of the boat and the boat retains self righting ability. RRS 51 and RRS 52 are changed to allow use of
stored energy to move a swing or canting keel (dead weight) for stability on a boat that has been
specifically designed for use of this appendage. This changes RRS 51 and RRS 52

Not trouble, just more expensive victims.

"I said, now, I said ,pay attention boy!"

The cure for anything is salt water - sweat, tears, or the sea
Isak Dinesen
If a man is to be obsessed by something.... I suppose a boat is as good as anything... perhaps a bit better than most.
E. B. White