OK, the T's just started race 8...nothing on the NBC site shows a T event for today...they never got around to changing the schedule for putting on races during the lay day.

Race course is again E, so no video. Only rounding reports I can find are on the ISAF olympic site
Race 8 Coverage

Once again, the only course (of the five) that is covered on TV is the Alpha course.

The only day that the T's were on it was the first day of their racing (8/14). The brilliant minds decided to cover the Stars that race (they share the course with the T's and start first).

The next chance to see the T's will be their medal race - on Thursday, 8/21.

From the email from Gary Jobson above, looks like the T's will be on A course Tuesday and be covered...now does Tuesday mean in China & Monday in the USA? Guess I'll have to watch to be sure!

Mike Dobbs
Tornado CAN 99 "Full Tilt"