Hipps said, "I agree a spin. boat without a doubt, prefer no crew, I have dealt with crew for many years........"
If you go with the F18 or Inter 20, you can ONLY race WITH CREW.
I had an Inter 20, it's a great two up boat and I sailed mine solo but not racing. The racing rules require you to race it two up even in light air. Oh, and it weighs about 400lbs. compared to 230 for the F16.
If you have good, regular crew and want to race distance, especially in the ocean or the big lakes where big wind and big waves are a factor, the Inter 20 is the prefered ride, no doubt.
If you want to sail solo in big wind, or race solo, do triangles, or two up when it's really blowing, the F16 will be a good ride as well but will obviously not take the waves like a 20 footer. The F18 is a compromise between the two but must be raced two up per their rules, but can be sailed solo when not racing.
What we all really need is about 4-5 boats. An A cat, F16, F18, I20 and a 60' tri for those distance races!