Originally Posted by Rolf_Nilsen
Originally Posted by Undecided
A 230lbs person will NEVER be competitive in a class that has NO minimum crew weight rule. (F16)

What is the minimum crew weight in the F17, F18 and N20 classes?
For the F16, the minimum crew weight is defined in the rules as being able to right the boat (with a bag if neccesary me thinks). Not intending to start a rules discussion, but since you brought it up it would be nice to know how the other classes mentioned define min. crew weight. Lets not have personal antipathies sidetrack what is a pretty good thread.

About weight and racing. Unless one is aiming for the top-top level like the olympics, a little extra weight dont mean that much in F classes. In one designs where you can not adapt your sails, you are worse off. Anyway, like I have written serveral times before, weight is not all that important, it is just another excuse for not finishing off races as well as you think you deserve. Skill and time on the boat is far more important than weight when it comes to racing on local/national level. If one aims higher than that, loosing/gaining weight is part of the game.

Visiting local fleets, now that it has been established that there are some, sounds like excellent advice! Meet the sailors and check out the boats. Perhaps catch a ride or two on different boats, then think through what is most important. Being able to change configuration one/two up or go racing with high quality. Perhaps the answer is two boats smile

k, the "top top level" is somewhere i will not be, dunno you guys but the top top level guys are sailing as we speak!
just want to be sure that i create opportunity for myself to make a dent locally, regionally and at least have the opportunity to "have my day" at a bigger event or two. in my keelboat days, many of my competitors would obsess 'bout a few pounds, i never did, and in many cases excelled. to me sailing is 80% (people) management/crew, 15% equiptment, and 5% opportunity (luck)
2 boats eh? maybe, but which one first?
so your opinion is that my size/frame will for the most part, and during the leaning curve not affect my position in a F-16 class?. i do wonder as it becomes some 50% of the displacement (some cases) and there seems to be a 30% range! i used to be 0.5%.
believe me i am not intersted in excuses