
Your friend barry keeps bringing up, on nat'l TV, his 'role model' who was a white supremecist. That's right- Abe Lincoln.

As far as me 'condoning racism and white supremacy'?

If you've forgotten, and want the easy way, I posted Lincolns own words and links earlier in the thread.

As far as me condoning racism and white supremacy? I don't feel I have to vote for a racist, a liar, and/or a socialist, while ignoring ALL the BAD backround, and lack of skills of a candidate, so I can somehow feel better about any guilt I MAY have had while being born a caucasain.

You don't know me Jake, and to add another one of your passive/aggressive remarks on whether I'M a racist? Again, you don't know me. Simply defending your remark is a bit below me.

And Tawd, was just kidding around.

Why Should Rick remove any of these remarks, for your guilt about being born caucasian? (assuming you are).

F-18 Infusion
#626- SOLD it!

'Long Live the Legend of Chris Kyle'