Hi all,
latest update, from the B.O.M. site. Looks like a pleasant weekend.
Seabreeze site currently predicting around 10 kts. Friday and 15-17 kts Saturday. Sounds perfect.
But it is early yet. Blowing 30 kts here at the moment.
Had another great sail on Tim's Mossie today. Sailed on Lake Wellington about 45 min. drive from where we normaly sail. Racing against Neil on his Mossie with Spinnaker, plus one cat rigged Mossie, 4 x Paper Tigers, 3 x Arrows and 1 Nacra 14sq. In very gusty conditions to 25kts. plus.
Neil and I had a great battle, Neil was half way along the reach as I rounded the first mark after, starting late (didn't realize it was our division start). Club we where at used Navy Numeral Flags rather than the Numeral Pennants I was used to. Then hit the first mark, took 2 laps to catch Neil trapezing on reach when he sat on side and flying spinnaker, when he left his in chute

. Passed him on the next beat, then he got back past near the top mark. Then I drew along side again on reach, to gybe just ahead and pop the spin and take off.
Until bigger gusts hit and massive cartwheel

, got mud on the top of the spinnaker

, it's a very shallow lake, not like where we sail normaly. Anyway got it up and took off after him again, catching up again, finishing 1 minute behind. Still got second on Yardstick only 4 cats finished, I think Neil was the only one not to capsize.
Can't wait till Easter Nats.