Wins where divided between, James Macdonald/Leigh Thorne, Viper x 4. Brett Goodall/Kingsley Pursch, Viper x 1. Gary Maskiell, Blade x 4. 9 races allowed 2 drops so results where close. You will just have to wait for full details.
Hope these pictures will keep you going. First is Marcus and Nathan Towell chasing Tony Jenkins.
Second is James Macdonald/Leigh Thorne.
Last is a hotstart, note the start flag is not down yet (blue and gold triangle). It was called a individual recall, with me well over on the Blade. Simon P had come up under me as I ran down the line and forced me over, he was completly in the right. So I was madly looking for a hole to dip back in. Found one headed off on port while the rest of the fleet was on starboard and got to the top mark around third place, a good recovery, I thought.