Waxing has no impact. The flow on cat hulls and foils is laminar. That means the water that actually touches the hulls does not move.
For years, there have been a lot of people who understand this, have waxed their hulls and stood around watching people do silly things because:
1) They were tired of arguing with idiots applying static behavior to a dynamic situation i.e. "if you look at the way water beads on a waxed hull, you are going to cause bubbles and .... "
2) They were amused by people who didn't know what they were doing wet sanding their hulls to 1200 grit, with the scratches all going in the same direction.
3) Liked to watch the people who had just wet sanded their hulls go into a panic when you told your hull were 3200 grit ( typical grit of a wax/polish)
If you want to really want to go fast, touch up the dings in your hulls and keep the crud washed off.
Carl Bohannon