
Here's my $.02 worth....

I bet the Kiwi's had someone committed to hull preparation, didn't much matter since their boat fell apart!

I sail a 1984 boat, I win some, I lose some.....and I'll bet you everyone who has responded not to wax loses races too. While I'm sure there is a definitive answer on the subject, waxing protects your boats finish and increases the longevity and value of the boat. Think about the REAL speed difference in waxing and not waxing. On a typical triangle (or even a distance course) I seriously doubt it would add up to the time lost by one blown tack or a misjudgment on downhaul/sheet tension, weight distribution, etc. Sail fast and sail smart....wax your boat and be proud of the way it looks, if you lose you can blame it on the shine even though you know it was really your blown tack or the fact that you went high on the course when the leaders went low, etc., etc. etc.

Jeff Worman
SC17 Smokin'