To make sure we get as far off topic as possible, let us now discuss building a Carbon F16...

So, I want to change out everything on my Blade to carbon, starting with the beams, but also the spin pole and boom, so how much weight will that save me vs. the aluminum stuff? How much lighter is carbon, per tubular foot, than aluminum? I know, depends on the size of the tube, but in general, how much lighter, expressed as a percentage or any other semi accurate measure.

If money were no object, I would just use carbon for everything, how much lighter would the boat be? An 18' A cat can be built at 160lbs. so that's about 70lbs. lighter, I would say the extra 2' of hull wt. on the A would offset the extra wt. of the spin gear on the F16, so I think it should be possible to build an F16 at 160 too.

AND...why don't any F16's have the curved travler tracks, like the A cats and Tornados do??

Now, who can afford it? $30,000? And then there is the 70lbs. of corrector weights to contend with!

Please, if you reply, be sure not to discuss trapping downwind in this thread, save that for the thread about building F16's...

Last edited by Timbo; 05/04/09 07:58 AM.

Blade F16