Originally Posted by twicebitten
Hi all,

at the risk of getting back on thread. I would like to make my last comment on this subject, as I have retired from sailing optimized F16's, you can treat it as the comments of a has been if you like. cry

The observations of trapping downwind from the OZ Nats are correct. Trapping downwind is what the front 2 up and 1 up boats where doing in 10-16 knots. Because it is faster, no argument smirk The only reason to not do it is if you are not practiced enough at it.

Talking from my experience trapping one up for over 4 years. You actualy sail faster and lower than sitting on the boat smirk. Doubling the advantage, the last Nats the other one ups said they would sit on the boat due to lack of practice, but when they got passed by a guy on trap going lower and faster, they changed their minds pretty quick. cool

Been saying this for years.

F16 - GBR 553 - SOLD

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