1, there are a number of teams in the US who have I20's.
2, There are many more F18 is the world. Hang on guys, don;t kill me yet.
3, This year, from the out side, it looked like it went OK with two types of boat on the course. (yes, the SI's might need tightening, but that is not the point here). And the wind-on-course favoured the 18's this year.
4, People from outside the US, I BELIEVE, will not buy an I20 to enter this race. Making it I20 ONLY would ensure no-one outside current ownership group (or charter), would enter the race.
5, If you want the race to grow, you need a boat option that is attractive to non-us residents. This, IMO, menas to grow the race, you need the F18
6, Given the sucess of this year, and a hope of an improving economic situation, I would HOPE you'll get more F18's next year (and keep the same no of I20's).
7, the race limit of 30?, is that because of "beach space" or simply getting 2 flights of 15 thru the surf? Why not 3 flights of 15 or even 4.
8, If the Aruba regatta can get most of the boats in via container, I do not see whay you could not get a container full from this side of the pond, the only issue is shoreside support and trailers / towing.