Hey All This a small report I posted from this regatta
raced this w/e at mannering park.
They had their Open cat regatta 9 races over 3 days.
Mari cat nats with Darren Bundock & Steven Brewen racing.
Sat saw strong & Gusty/shifty 15-20+knots.
I was out of practice going for a swim in races 1 & 3. I also ended up mucking up starts and generally having an ordinary day, although between races set a top speed on my Mozzie of 18.4 knots according to the GPS. Sunday saw the wind swing around to SE 10-15 knots. We raced 4 races back to back starting at 11am and going til 4.30pm. I won 3 of the 4, slowly starting to find form. The fleet I was racing comprised of about 8x5.8 Nacras, 1 x 16 square, 4 Taipans, 2 x Hobie 16s, & 6 x Hobie 18s (This was division 2 until the 5.8s/Hobie 18s realised they were being beaten overall and requested their own division.) Monday started with very light SE wind. I won the first race and in the second had a monumental pile up at the top mark with nowhere to go, myself, 2 x 5.8s and 2 x Hobie 18s all came together with me coming out worse off - the Mozzie in a Hobie 18 sandwich. Ended up with a chip the size of a 50c piece out of my starboard bow. The 16 square got away and won - I ended up 2nd in that one. Overall results were 16 square 1st, MOZZIE 2nd and Taipan 3rd. Hobie 18s and 5,8s in their own division??? Results pending. Unfortunately Carl was unable to race due to family commitments. The regatta was incredibly well organised with 60+ boats and showed a wide range of conditions. Courses were set well - it should be a great venue for the Nationals next year. Further details on the Nationals to come later this week... Watch this space! Cheers, Ben.
---Ben Cutmore--- --MOSQUITO 1704--
Results are here under open cat regatta (purple writeing)
I think we were in Division 2 5.8s were getting wiped so asked for there own division.

---Ben Cutmore---
--MOSQUITO 1704--