Hi to all,
I spoke with Matt Stone (my man on the ground at the nationals) last night to see how it was all going up there.
Apart from it raining for the first couple of days, Monday came up with 10 - 15 knots for the invitation race perfect for Matt to come up with a first.
I am now not sure of the order but in the sloops, both Mick F and Neil J have firsts from the first couple of races. The wind picked up a bit on the next day to give 15 - 20 with 25 knot gusts. Both Tim and Gary M have firsts in the Cats with Matt enough consistency to hold 3rd over all. standings last night are Gary 1st, followed by Tim then Matt. Both Peter N and Ben are going well and may be troubling Matt as he took the time to mention them on the phone!
Apparently the scouts had gone home by the weekend and there is plenty of space at the scout hall, my main reason for not going (along with a sick baby) oh well...
Further good luck to all up there, there is a great turn out with up to 30 boats on the water. I am sure the guys from further up the coast are welcoming the competition.