Too many things can happen QUICK out there (breakage, weather)
Yes, absolutely. Today, while sailing in approximately 10 mph winds, we were getting unexpected gusts of what must have been 15-20 mph. It was like being hit with a solid wall of wind. Things happened quickly.
Anyway, there's too much missing to this story. Like:
Does anyone know what safety equipment (if any) was on board this boat?
Despite all the other considerations which aren't known here... the starting point of all appears to be the tramp causing the boat to set sail. I guess!!???
...there must have been a lot of current too though?
You're a serious tease, J...
So, are there circumstances where one person could not turn the boat into the wind by him/herself?
If I were the crew and if it were the tramp causing the problem and if I couldn't turn the boat into the wind and if I were in enough of a panic to consider CLIMBING THE MAST!, instead I probably would have decided to cut the tramp loose and calmed the situation down. Even taken a knife to it. (Better than losing the whole boat.)